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A photo of Benjamin, a tutor from Southern New Hampshire University


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Hi, my name is Ben, and I am very passionate about teaching, and helping students to learn and be successful in their academic endeavors. I have 4 years of experience as a certified teacher, in both Texas and Colorado; and I have more than 10 years of tutoring experience. In addition to being a teacher I am also a Head Basketball Coach. I live to see our youth today grow and succeed to become the leaders of tomorrow.

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Benjamin’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:Southern New Hampshire University- Bachelor in Arts, General Studies

Graduate Degree: Texas Teachers - Certificate, Mathematics Teacher Education

Test Scores

ACT Math: 33


Sports, Hiking, Snowboarding, wake boarding, fitness, coaching, mentoring, drawing, playing with my dog, spending time with my wife, and swimming

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