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A photo of Ryan, a tutor from University of Colorado Boulder


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每我姐姐的建议,我开始辅导is 3 years younger and went through the same classes that I took, 3 years later. She said I was good at explaining what I had learned, and that I should give tutoring a shot.

I'm from Longmont, CO, where I grew up hiking/biking/skiing, swimming, and playing soccer. I eventually came to CU Boulder in 2016, where I am currently a Sophomore studying Neuroscience. I am most comfortable tutoring science subjects (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) and Math, but would also love to try tutoring Reading or Writing.

With students, I want to sketch out clear goals at the beginning so that we can make sure are working productively each session. Preferably, I'll keep working with a student until those goals are met. Focusing on strategies that are generalizable across subjects can show a wide improvement in multiple areas, but the specific strategies that work depend on the individual learning style of the student.

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Ryan’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:University of Colorado Boulder- Bachelor of Science, Neuroscience

Test Scores

ACT Reading: 33

ACT Science: 34


Hiking, Swimming, Reading

Tutoring Subjects

ACT Reading

ACT Science

Anatomy & Physiology

AP Biology



Cell Biology

College Biology




Social Sciences

Test Prep

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