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A photo of Pat, a tutor from St John Fisher College


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I am a graduate of St. John Fisher college. I received my Bachelor of Arts in history and a Masters of Arts in childhood education. I'm a New York State certified teacher who substitutes in a variety of schools throughout Rochester. While I tutor a broad range of subjects, I am most passionate about English, Literature, History, Reading, and Science. In my experience helping struggling students we always seem to have the most fun prepping for the Critical Reading and Writing questions. I am a firm proponent of education, believing it to be absolutely necessary for an improved quality of life, and I try to impart this appreciation to all of my students. In my spare time, I enjoy reading that which enriches my life I go hiking, camping, going to the movies, and watching the Buffalo Bills. I look forward in working with you.

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Pat’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: St John Fisher College - Bachelor in Arts, History

Graduate Degree: St John Fisher College - Master of Arts, Education of Individuals in Elementary Special Education Programs


I love history, football, watching Buffalo Bills games, going to the movies, going camping

Tutoring Subjects

College Geography

Elementary School

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Science

Elementary School Writing


Essay Editing





Public Speaking


Social Studies

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

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