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A photo of Martine, a tutor from Arizona State University


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Hello. I am a French and writing tutor. Are you a Francophile who is looking for a niche in the Francophone world? Or do you need this foreign language credit and grammar rules just aren't cutting it? I might be able to help! Growing up in a French speaking home, bridging the gap between English and French speakers has always been a passion of mine. I have interpreted French for West African and Canadian speakers, and to Haitian Creole speakers. This has taught me how finding the word equivalent isn't always the objective, rather accurately reflecting equivalent meaning in another cultural context. This is why as a French tutor I focus on how and why words are designed to be used in French, then how French grammar and syntax supports this.
Each culture uses language for slightly different reasons. Understanding these differences will help anyone learn how to begin to approach someone in their mother tongue.
In addition, I have been writing since the first grade, winning school wide awards. I have twice received the highest or second highest writing score in state standardized tests. While still in high school, I also won first prize in a regional writing competition. I continued to challenge myself as a writer through AP courses in high school and I am currently fine tuning my voice as an English major. Let me help you find your voice too!

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Martine’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:Arizona State University- Bachelor in Arts, English


Road trips, exploring museums, trying local restaurants and shops, farmers markets, writing, scouting out new and interesting musicians/artists, Pinteresting, sending "I love you" messages, Netflixing

Tutoring Subjects

Conversational French



French 2




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