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A photo of Alison, a tutor from University of Michigan-Ann Arbor


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我收到了从大学的学士学位y of Michigan in 2009 with a major in Economics and a dual minor in French and Russian. After a career in finance and public policy, I am currently pursuing my Masters in Clinical Psychology with a specialization in Wilderness Therapy from Naropa University.

I have been studying French for over 20 years and spent 4.5 years living and working in France. I feel very comfortable teaching both business and conversational French.

My teaching philosophy is that everyone learns information -particularly a foreign language - differently and that it is my job to find out how a person learns best and adapt my teaching approach to their needs. I accomplish this by creating lesson plans that use a variety of visual, listening, speaking, reading, memory, and writing exercises. The more areas of the brain we can stimulate, the quicker and more efficiently a person will learn. I have a contemporary style and I like to check in often with students to ensure we are both happy with the learning environment.

Outside of academia, I live a very active lifestyle. I love rock climbing and when I can't get outdoors, I can often be found in the climbing gym several times a week. I've recently become a big fan of yoga and now I practice frequently to improve my climbing and really de-stress. I also enjoy skiing, playing with my dog and snuggling with my cat, reading a good book (my favorite author is Haruki Murakami), drinking wine, and meditation. I'm also completely obsessed with stand-up and all things comedy. I look forward to working with you!

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Alison’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:University of Michigan-Ann Arbor- Bachelor in Arts, Economics

Test Scores

SAT Composite (1600 scale): 1500

SAT Math: 710

SAT Writing: 780


Rock climbing, yoga, meditation, skiing, playing with my dog, snuggling with my cat, reading a good book - often translated into French (favorite author is Haruki Murakami), horseback riding

Tutoring Subjects

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