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A photo of Randy, a tutor from Ohio State University-Main Campus


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My tutoring experience actually began with my own 3 daughters who struggled with middle school math concepts. Once they understood practical, real world ideas for math to solve everyday situations they were able to grasp basic concepts which lead to higher level comprehension. My Master of Education degree from Bowling Green State University in Special Education and Certification in Middle Grades 5-9 Math enable me to tutor to differing levels of student learning. Every student is able to learn in their own unique way. As a Triathlete, I have found that a young mind can be more eager to learn with a balanced diet, exercise and proper sleep habits.

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Randy’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:Ohio State University-Main Campus- Bachelor in Business Administration, Business Administration and Management

Graduate Degree:Bowling Green State University-Main Campus- Masters in Education, Special Education


Triathlon, spiritual growth

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