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A photo of Jared, a tutor from University of South Florida-Main Campus


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I have experience tutoring across all educational levels. I have worked for several Florida colleges as a tutor and in the private sector. I attended the University of South Florida where I completed a B.S. degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology as well as minors in Public Health and Biomedical Physics. I worked for the Tutoring and Learning Services department at the university's library. The subjects I tutored on a consistent basis were college algebra, precalculus algebra with trigonometry, finite math, statistics, and general chemistry. I also have experience in biochemistry, biology and genetics. I have a level 2 CRLA tutor training certification. I am comfortable tutoring in one on one as well as group settings. Please feel free to contact me. I look forward to helping you succeed!!

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Jared’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:University of South Florida-Main Campus- Bachelor of Science, Cellular and Molecular Biology


Sports, travel, outdoors

Tutoring Subjects


Algebra 2

AP Statistics


Cell Biology

College Algebra

College Biology

Finite Mathematics

High School Biology




Middle School Science



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