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A photo of Kelsie, a tutor from Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus


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I graduated from Georgia Tech with a Bachelor's degree in Industrial & Systems engineering. I recently moved to Charlotte, NC to work for an elementary school fundraising company that focuses on fitness, leadership, and character lessons for students. I love interacting with children, challenging them to think outside the box, and empowering them to do and be their very best.

While I like to tutor a broad range of subjects, my favorites are elementary and middle school reading, writing, arithmetic (simple math, pre-algebra, algebra, geometry), and preparing young students for any standardizes tests that may be approaching. I also tutored high schoolers throughout college for the ACT and SAT, which I enjoyed a lot as well.

I genuinely love helping students expand their knowledge, pushing them to think for themselves, to fully grasp the concept in front of them. I try to make being tutored as fun as possible, offering a lot of encouragement and corny jokes to keep spirits high, and my sincere excitement for a student when they learn and grasp a new concept is hard to contain.

Outside of tutoring I enjoy reading and writing, studying health & wellness, exploring new cities, and cooking!

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Kelsie’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus- Bachelor of Engineering, Industrial Engineering


Running, reading, writing, cooking, exploring new cities, learning!

Tutoring Subjects

ACCUPLACER Reading Comprehension

ACT English

ACT Math

ACT Reading


AP Psychology

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Writing


English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing

High School Writing


Middle School Math



SAT Prep

SAT Math

SAT Reading

Social Sciences

Test Prep

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