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几年前,我在翻阅一份爱尔兰时代报纸时,看到了一张两页的照片,让我浑身发冷。美国的风景如画,如犹他州,华盛顿等。生活是一段不可预测的旅程,我们都试图理解或试图预测它的结果。成千上万的人从世界各地来到美国学习和提高他们的技能。众多的课程提供了各种各样的学习机会。它让我感受和思考我的生活,最终是那些不幸的人的生活。这张照片对我的影响很大,因为它不是一张关于过去的照片,而是一张关于现在的照片,它让我意识到,今天世界上发生了太多可怕的事情。这让我觉得生活中所有的小抱怨都很微不足道,比如长痘痘。我是一名大二学生,我真的在努力弄清楚我的余生想做什么。我想帮助当今世界上不幸的人,但我不确定我是否愿意这样做。 I am considering being a doctor and getting involved with Doctors Without Borders. I have some experience in the medical field. Therefore, any bit of experience would be greatly beneficial to me. Since I am biology major with aim of pursuing medicine I'm interested in helping others as well as to improve the overall health and nutrition of people, I feel that I meet this request.

那是2015年秋天,经过几次咨询约会、电子邮件和电话之后,我终于注册了生物医学和生物科学专业。作为一名刚宣布主修生物的学生,我真的不知道该期待什么。我只知道我们将要学习生物学的东西,我几乎无法控制自己的兴奋。从我记事起,我就一直被自然界所吸引。这种孩子气的迷恋并没有离开我,反而随着岁月的流逝而加深。这种兴趣使我爱上了生物学。由于种种原因,我正在考虑自然资源专业。当我还是个孩子的时候,我就被周围的世界迷住了。当我去乌克兰和保加利亚做NGO项目时,这两个国家的医疗工作让我很感兴趣,我知道我想做一些与医学相关的事情。高二那年夏天,我参加了伦敦威斯敏斯特大学的人类生物科学课程。 I learned about the problems facing migratory people from Africa, Eastern Europe and how human populations were dwindling because of lack of medical care. During this time, I confirmed my desire to serve people with medical issues and find a way to balance the interaction between diseases and ways to cure them. We learned about the polio problems western Africa with the effects of dwindling numbers of children with limited access to health care and the tragedy of the commons. I enjoy engaging in activities that involve helping others. I have attended the Saturday Program, which involves about two hours of playing with children especially refuges from different underserved countries in the County Clare, Ireland area. While this may seem to be a stretch from medicine, I hope that my interactions with the children were helpful to them and perhaps may influence their health and lifestyle, even if in a minimal way. I feel that enjoying helping others is a large part of any career in healthcare, so I feel that this experience has been quite useful. At some point in high school, I was considering a major in biological sciences with a concentration in neurobiology and behavior because it has intrigued me from early in my high school career. After working in a biology preparatory lab and taking an honors biology course in high school, I discovered a general interest in science.
北卡罗来纳中央大学(NCCU)是一所历史上的黑人学院和大学,建立在每个人都应该获得大学教育的信念上。ncccu提供其他学校很难获得的课程和课外活动。学生们经常发现,在NCCU提供的课程给了他们一个独一无二的机会去探索非裔美国人的历史和经历。在NCCU,你会发现人们有着相似的背景和环境,有着相似的文化经历。学生之间有一种社区和合作的氛围,教授和教师将在大学教育中帮助培养和指导你。NCCUs主要服务于非裔美国学生,但他们习惯了无限的文化体验。相反,来自世界各地的人来到NCCU,这导致了学生群体的多样化。生物科学专业的学生为严格的医学课程做好了充分的准备。NCCU的师生关系对希望上学的学生至关重要,原因有很多。作为生物科学专业的几门课程,包括一些入门课程,将由专业和训练有素的教师教授。 I will have the opportunity to hear lectures from and conduct research under scientists who are known throughout the world. As a student at NCCU I'm also assigned a faculty advisor to assist me with career and academic concerns. Each year several Biology majors are accepted to medical school who attended NCCU. As a Biology major attending NCCU, I have the opportunity to participate in world-class scientific research taking place within the Department of Biological Sciences. Students have opportunity to join laboratories studying cancer, genetics, cardiovascular and many more. undergraduates at NCCU participated in intensive research projects supported by our grant for undergraduate education from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute as well as students receiving summer internships programs. A Pre-Health Advising mentoring is available to incoming Freshmen Biology majors who plan to attend medical school. The students attend meetings and social activities as well as seminars designed to meet the needs of premedical students. If one hope to attend a health Professional school but would like to customize your undergraduate program you can choose among several different specializations within the Biology department.
NCCU的表现超出了我的预期。我最初选择北ccu,是因为我遇到的每个学生都很真诚,这种感觉一直存在。在NCCU,我遇到了最有趣、最有才华的人,也交了一些最亲密的朋友。一会儿我们会讨论生物学问题,一会儿讨论经济差距的真正解决方案,一会儿讨论我们的成长经历。虽然人们很容易认为北ccu是一所有竞争力的大学,但我认为这与事实相距甚远。我从来没有像在NCCU那样合作过。每个人都希望彼此得到最好的,分数不是重点。NCCU的社交场景也很棒。从我在这里的这一年来看,我已经可以说,NCCU让我成为了一个更全面的人。做一个好的调整有压力,因为我相信我的未来取决于我做得好。 Since I have been away without my family, I do sometimes get homesick, miss my old routines and structures. Knowing my particular learning style, I was a bit apprehensive when the only workable section of biology classes for my schedule was offered on-line which I don't prefer. I usually perform best in a traditional class environment. The combination of an on-line class and the challenging nature of the material to be covered contributed to my nervousness. I found however, that it was not as bad as I had imagined. Do not get me wrong, there is a lot of work involved, but with the detailed lecture notes, assigned readings, homework problems, E-learn-smart and computational tools, and most importantly my professors for the encouragement which enable me to succeed in this course. It is exciting to be able to apply certain concepts learned in the course to an actual work assignment I was doing at the time. The ability to apply one concept in the "real world" encouraged me to look for ways to incorporate the other concepts learned. I truly enjoyed this university, the challenges that comes with it and really like the student-professor interaction. At this point I believe my cumulative GPA is between 28-3.1. I could have done better but life has its toll on me. Going through immigration process can be very stressful, especially when you don't know the outcome of your applications since every aspect of your life in the USA is dependent your immigration papers. Due this I didn't dedicate the time I needed to study well for my classes. NCCU provides student support programs, services, and activities consistent with its mission that are intended to promote student learning and enhance the development of its students. Most student support programs, services, and activities are administered through the Division of Student Success which very vital for me. I feel at ease to access all this benefits on campus. The mission of NCCU is to support and enhance the academic experience of a diverse student body resulting in my success. NCCU provides and supports the mission of the college by taking an active role with their students by engaging and facilitating their learning experience through career and personal exploration, and educational goal attainment in a professional and caring manner. NCCU informs students about their tuition and fee payment options, this helps me to apply for financial aid.
本科期间,我曾在达勒姆的Carillon Assisted Living工作,周末在社区护理机构照顾老人和残疾人。此外,2016年夏天,我曾在北卡罗来纳州教堂山的UNC医疗中心的急诊室担任志愿者。最后,在2011年至2012年期间,我在爱尔兰Ennis养老院和Pairc na Coille退休村的一家养老院担任兼职助理护理人员,在那里我与护士密切合作,他们为老年居民提供姑息治疗。我能够看到私人医疗保健环境如何成功地促进生命和福祉。我了解了使用的药物类型,它们是如何起作用的,以及它们的用途;预防或治疗疾病或控制紊乱。在我的本科生涯中,我一直通过参与北卡罗来纳中央大学和北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校的合作伙伴计划参与研究,该计划专注于基础癌症研究。2015年夏天,我在北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校Ramon Battaller博士的实验室工作,Veronica Massey博士是我的导师,以确定有利于双能祖细胞分化的条件。接下来的一个夏天,我在莱因伯格癌症中心(Lineberger Cancer Center)与大卫·b·达尔(David B. Darr)博士合作,在高度忠实的人类癌症基因工程小鼠体内模型上进行新型抗癌疗法的临床前开发。从2015年开始,直到现在,在秋季和春季学术学期,我一直与NCCU的Maxwell Gyamfi博士合作,研究酒精性肝毒性的可能差异。 The nature of biology focus on the living world, on everything from microscopic organisms to the human body. They look at all of the elements and questions surrounding life, from questions about reproduction, to the ways in which our physical environment influences the way we grow and develop. As biology majors I have a disposal a vast array of skills and tools that can lead to careers and professions in a wide variety of fields. In addition to being a stepping stone to a career in medicine, I have the opportunity to explore careers in some of the hottest and most rapidly developing fields such as genetics, biotechnology, and medical research.
展望下个月将要发生的事情会让你陷入现实。感觉就像我几个月前才开始上大学,找工作还需要几年时间。我有兴趣在北卡罗来纳州呆上几年,开始我在NCCU的硕士课程。一般来说,我们都想拥有很多钱,住在漂亮的房子里,开一两辆好车。对我来说,一个舒适的地方是我毕业后所需要的。硕士毕业后,我的计划是要么去医学院。因此,关于接受更多教育以胜任某个职位的问题,接受更多教育对我来说一直是一个选择。作为一名生物专业的学生,我对即将进入生物专业的学生的建议是,首先要完成艰难的课程。课程负担可能令人生畏和耗时,但它是可行的。除了学校,你还会参加各种有趣的课外活动,以接触医学和相关领域。 Research, volunteering, part-time work, and shadowing very important to your future career. One should still have some time to spend with friends and family and on hobbies. Just be prepared to sometimes make sacrifices, when your friend have free time and youre busy working on something outside of class. My ability to analyze and conduct independent research in vivo looking at liver nuclear receptors, with the aim of finding and understanding the effect of alcohol. Understanding the mechanism of livers enzymes will help comes with therapeutic mechanism.








