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A photo of Devin, a tutor from Stony Brook University


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I graduated from Stony Brook University with a Bachelor's degree in Physics through the Honors College program. I've also taught AP Physics and general science at Upper Room Christian School for one year. In my experience, I've heard many students say they can't or they're too "stupid" to do something. I believe that no student is unintelligent or incapable. Everyone is more than able, through some effort and a little bit of help, to achieve any goal in life, academic or otherwise. My goal is to help people achieve and realize the potential that lies inside of them.

In addition to Science and Math, I also have an interest in music (guitar) and English and am available to tutor in those subjects as well.

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Devin’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:Stony Brook University- Bachelor of Science, Physics

Tutoring Subjects

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