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I am a recent graduate of the University of Kentucky. I have a B.S. in Physics and plan to return to school for a graduate degree in a few years. I participated in undergraduate research for a project at Fermilab, and am currently involved in a project at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

I am offering my services for math and Physics. I was drawn to the study of physics because of my insatiable desire for understanding. My interests extend well beyond math and physics, I also enjoy art, music, philosophy, religion, comedy, movies, video games, and podcasts to name a few things.

I believe that anyone can succeed at math or physics. These are not innate skills but require exposure and practice. I don't claim that it will be easy. My goal is to understand each student's unique perspective and learning style, and to form a plan that most effectively equips them and fulfills their desired learning outcome.

反对nect with a tutor like Zachariah

Zachariah’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:University of Kentucky- Bachelor of Science, Physics


Programming, gaming, reading, hiking, music, philosophy, electronics, science , ...

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