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A photo of Koumudhi, a tutor from Virginia Commonwealth University


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My goal is to make sure that who ever is learning whatever subject should love what they are learning. Their fundamentals should be strong, so that as they go further in their study of that subject they will understand what is going on and why it is going on. If the foundation is strong the structure will hold. Of course it is always nice to get As, but I want to help people understand what they are learning and help them grow in that subject, not just memorize what they need to know and forget it a few weeks later. I love learning new things and I hope to inspire others to also love learning. Thank you!

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Koumudhi’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:Virginia Commonwealth University- Current Undergrad, Biology, General

Test Scores

SAT Composite (1600 scale): 1450

SAT Math: 770


Nutrition, Health/Fitness, Reading, Art, Music

Tutoring Subjects

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