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A photo of Ashita, a tutor from CUNY City College


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I have always had a passion for helping students excel in their studies. Being a student, I know how it feels to really want to do well but simply not being able to. This at times causes frustration and creates a negative outlook towards one's studies. However, with the proper guidance and studying techniques, I can assure you, you will succeed .I have helped younger kids understand grammar, improve their mathematical skills and in doing so allowed them to enjoy what they are learning. For the older kids, I have helped students correct essays by guiding them on how to properly develop a thesis and be well versed in syntax. Each student is different and they each have their own bundle of strengths and weaknesses, my job is to strengthen those weaknesses.

The important part about learning is being able to realize anyone can do it well as long one is committed and focused. There is no secret to succeeding rather it is about noticing one's area of improvement and simply working on it.

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Ashita’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:CUNY City College- Bachelors, Geology

Graduate Degree:CUNY City College- Current Grad Student, Environmental Engineering


Reading, riding my bicycle, doing yoga and watching documentaries

Tutoring Subjects

ACT English

ACT Math

ACT Science

ACT Writing


Algebra 2

Earth Science

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing




Middle School Math

Middle School Reading Comprehension




Test Prep


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