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A photo of Isabel, a tutor from Dartmouth College


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Though I am out of college, I still find that learning and discovering are forces that both fascinate and drive the direction of my life. As a researcher for documentary film, I have made learning about new things the center of my professional life. I am attracted to tutoring for many of the same reasons; I love witnessing the magic of the "click" of understanding that washes over a student who had previously struggled with a difficult concept and find it deeply fulfilling.

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Isabel’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:Dartmouth College- Bachelors, Religious Studies, Film Studies

Graduate Degree: University of Edinburgh - Masters, Film Studies


Cooking, reading, hiking, knitting, discovering off-the-beaten track parts of New York City

Tutoring Subjects

Q & A

What is your teaching philosophy?

I see myself as more of a facilitator of learning. I wish to help my students with helpful tools and techniques and gently guide them. In this way, I endeavor to help them hone their skills and trust their own instincts so that they can continue to tackle challenges without my help.

What might you do in a typical first session with a student?

最初,我尝试建立学生的啊utside interests and hobbies are. Hopefully, this creates a bit of bonhomie, but also allows me to see if I can connect the course material to the student's interests outside of the classroom. Then, tutoring sessions become less of an onerous task for a student.

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