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A photo of Alice, a tutor from University of Rochester


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In high school I always helped explain math and social studies to my friends. After I joined the National Honors Society I began tutoring different students in math and history during lunch, and I tutored a boy with learning disabilities in pre-calculus after school for my entire senior year. In college I became a peer tutor who assisting undergraduates with any form of writing from any academic department. In addition to my work as a tutor, over the past year I have been the TA for two microeconomics classes. The positions required me to explain economic concepts, how math played a part in each of those concepts, and how to do the math required to solve problems related to those concepts.

I make an excellent tutor because I once struggled with learning concepts myself. This means that I both empathize with students who are having difficulties and I can understand which part of the material is difficult to grasp. I am also genuinely excited about the topics I choose to tutor, and my enthusiasm translates to a more enjoyable session and frequently a more receptive students. I am good at approaching problems from multiple different angles so I have more than one way of explaining why an answer is right or wrong.

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Alice’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:University of Rochester- Bachelors, Mathematics/Economics

Test Scores

SAT Composite (1600 scale): 1560

SAT Math: 790

SAT Verbal: 760

SAT Writing: 750


Reading, Hiking, Mock Trial

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