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奥斯卡《略萨先生的形象》- 2013年3月奖学金论文

古巴裔美国诗人,艺术评论家,迈阿密戴德学院的英语教授,可能不仅对我,而且对大多数人都是最有影响的。因为他的个性,一个人说话,描述和有很多关于他自己的话,很难理解。他的大多数论述题和ENC1101级别的课堂材料都不适合我的父母和祖父母,因为我曾经在写这些问题时向他们寻求帮助。根据他们的问题,哪里适合高级心理学专业。回到2007年,我第一次上他的课,当时有大约40多名学生,最后只有5人,其中我是最幸运的人之一,以“B”的成绩结束了生命。起初,这位教授在几乎所有人听来都像是一个有很多精神或创伤问题的人,当他谈到他是如何进入美国的,以及他是如何在卡斯特罗政权下生存下来的,当时他只是个孩子。后来进入艺术领域,这是他和诗歌一样的激情所在,他非常善于分析,恕我直言,这在我看来有点反常。我之所以这么说,是因为他喜欢在他的写作中解释艺术,他所喜欢的艺术是一种他称之为“不适合孩子”的艺术,因为性和暴力内容以及抽象风格。当我告诉他我的祖父是一位艺术家,因此他对他的画很感兴趣时,我发现这很奇怪,所以我就把我祖父的画的照片寄给了他。他特别喜欢抽象画,但不喜欢那些有鸟、树和河流的画,这些是我祖父过去经常画的。 Me and my professor became friends while attending to his art galleries where he used to present and show me these pictures and strange argentinian artists who to my taste were pretty liberal.Then little by little, I got to know the proffesor extremelly well and what I found on The Image of Mr. Pau-Llosa was quite different. A super liberal personality along with protestant conservatism when it comes to politics and government. He believes in freedom and government to the minimum power always on the republican side but a very strong liberal personality on how he lives as an art critic, poet, English teacher and as a friend. A brilliant mind in my opinion at what he does, and how psychologicaly and profesionally treats people but sadly, lacking faith on who created him which is the ONE who is stronger than all. Despite the fact that people reach up maximum knowledge on academics, job positions, etc....humans will always feel empty and lonely on their inside when they do not know who they have to follow and believe in. My professor was one of those, a great man who I respect and very influential by showing me taste of intellectual culture, menss behavior and passion for art. To this day I disagree with his ideas due to the fact that I am now a Man of Faith, but still once again very influential because it was a first time I hang out with a professor who not only taught me a lot of advanced psychological behavior but who was one of the werdiest fellows I have ever met.