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艾弗里的《生命的标点符号》- 2021年7月奖学金论文

从小到大,我什么运动都参加。从足球到体操,到这两者之间的一切,我一直想参与各种活动。然而,随着年龄的增长,我越来越喜欢篮球运动。12岁的时候,我放弃了其他运动,只专注于对我来说最重要的游戏。我几乎每个周末都会参加城外的比赛,专注于提高自己的球技。等到上高中的时候,我非常兴奋。我终于可以参加校队了!然而,在我的大一赛季中,我下楼时感到膝盖上有一声巨响。经过核磁共振检查,医生告诉我们,由于ACL撕裂需要手术,我将离开医院9个月。我很失望,很沮丧,但我知道我必须努力工作,才能在下个赛季回到原来的位置。 After a long process, I was ready to play and had solid sophomore and junior seasons. Going into my senior year, I felt like I was reaching my peak. I had gone on several official college visits and felt like everything was falling into place. However, in the middle of my senior year, I felt my knee buckle, and again heard the loud pop. I immediately knew what that indicated and thoughts of never getting to play again began to set in my mind. After a lot of thought and prayer, I felt like this was not the end of my journey, merely a minor setback. So, I again began the rehab process and signed to play for the Flying Queens at Wayland Baptist University. In January, after 10 months, I completed physical therapy and was allowed to start easing back into practices with my new team. Two weeks after being released, I was going up for a layup when for the third time in my life I felt my right knee give out, followed by a loud pop. After seeing my reaction, my coaches and teammates knew what had just happened. For me, the third tear was the hardest because this was the tear that made me walk away from the sport that I grew up loving. But for me, basketball was so much more than a sport. It taught me life lessons in a good 32-minute game. Basketball has taught me sportsmanship, leadership, toughness, and so much more. But the most important lesson that basketball has taught me throughout my 12 years of playing is how to handle adversity; when life knocks you down, how quickly are you going to be able to stand back up to face the challenge again?
在我的成长过程中,篮球是我生命中很重要的一部分,当伤病暂时夺走了我的篮球时,我从未意识到也许继续打球不是我人生的一部分。我的大学教练Alesha Ellis告诉我和我的家人,在我们生活的某些方面,有时我们在句子的末尾加上问号,而上帝却想在句子的末尾加上感叹号。我的计划是在整个大学期间一直打篮球,我总是想用这样的词来形容“我打篮球完了吗?”,上帝知道应该是“You are finished playing basketball!”上帝显然在我面前有不同的东西,他的计划远比我能想象到的任何东西都要伟大。对于我来说,这是一个很难接受的教训,我将永远感谢篮球比赛,感谢我打过的比赛,感谢我学到的教训,感谢我得到的社区。