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《我只知道我什么都不知道》angelica - 2013年3月奖学金论文

威廉·亚瑟·沃德曾经说过:“平庸的老师会告诉你。好老师解释道。优秀的老师会示范。伟大的老师能激发灵感,”我倾向于同意这一点。在我的学生生涯中,对我影响最大的老师是法尔科教授。这是一个值得被称为教授的人,她为她的学生付出了更多。她对我的生活一直有影响,因为她点燃了好奇心的火焰,这是吸引学生注意力的必要工具。法尔科博士是一位英语教授。她将文学与逻辑、科学和小说结合起来。听她说话很美,知识像平静的河流一样从她口中流出。 She also understands the importance of open mindedness and pushes the boundaries. Education is essential to grow as a human being, but in my perspective, the standards of education are drastically dropping. We as citizens of the United States are expected to be open minded individuals and to think outside the box. This is a glorious virtue I find in Dr. Falco, she isn't afraid of pushing the boundaries, by pushing the boundaries I mean, challenging the topics we write about. She forces us to find controversial topics and to truly understand both sides of the problem. See, the reason why she has been one of the most influential teachers is because she cares. This professors gives her all, not knowing that she is leaving a tattoo deep in the hearts and minds of all those she's taught. I had been waiting all my life to be enlightened, once I was finally shown the light, I began to question everything. Awareness began to overpower me, causing a series of fortunate events. The question will slowly melt inside me like a burning candle instigating what will become a perpetual fire; am I insane for thinking this way? The answer I will never know. I do know this, I will never forget Dr. Falco for forcing me to prevail against ignorance. Socrates once said “ All I know is that I know nothing.” I quote him this evening and assert just that: I know nothing. What I do know is that because of teachers like Dr. Falco I am one step further away from ignorance.