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Award-Winning SolidWorks Certification Training in Richmond, VA

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Varsity Tutors can help you get ready to take your upcoming exam when you reach out to us to enroll in a Richmond SOLIDWORKS certification class. Classes provide the opportunity to learn from an instructor who is an expert on the material that you're studying. You'll also get the chance to learn alongside a group of like-minded peers who are preparing for a SOLIDWORKS exam themselves. If you think that you would benefit from having this type of assistance with your test preparation process, then reaching out to us directly is the best way to get started. You can also continue reading to get a more in-depth look at the benefits of this Richmond SOLIDWORKS certification training tool.

SOLIDWORKS is an integrated 3D design environment, which is often used by designers and engineers to increase their productivity. You can earn a SOLIDWORKS certification to signify your skillset in one or more parts of this software. There are three certification levels, which are called associate, professional, and expert. In total, there are over 20 different certifications that you can pursue. Some of the SOLIDWORKS certifications that you may be interested in are the CSWA - Mechanical Design, CSWP-Simulation, CSWPA-Mold Making, and the CSWE - Mechanical Design.

Before you can earn the certification that you're interested in, you'll need to first pass the exam that's associated with it. A Richmond SOLIDWORKS certification course can help you prepare for whichever of these exams you plan on taking. Your instructor can help you review the most important topics that you'll encounter while taking your exam. For example, if you're preparing for the CSWA, you can get assistance with topics like sketch entities and tools, inserting components, drawing views, boss and cut features, and more. Your course will provide you with a well-rounded learning experience that can help you make steady progress towards your goals.

Courses take place in a unique academic setting that offers a number of benefits. When you sign up for a course, you'll learn on a powerful virtual learning application that connects you directly with your educator and with a group of classmates. Your course will take place entirely online, which means that you'll be able to participate in it while at home, at the Libbie Mill Library, or anywhere else that you have a steady internet connection. You'll learn through a series of live lectures that are interactive in a variety of ways. If you find that you're having trouble with some of the material from your course, then you can even request one-on-one assistance from your educator to get additional assistance with it.

Additionally, you'll have a few different options to choose from when selecting which class option is best for your needs. These different options meet at various points throughout the week. This makes it easy to find a class that you can take without having to rearrange the rest of your schedule to do so. You can reach out to us directly if you'd like some help with selecting the right learning plan for your scheduling needs.

Earning a SOLIDWORKS certification can help you expand your career opportunities in a number of ways. Whether you want to become more effective in your current role, increase your salary-earning potential, or find a new job, one of these certifications can help you gain the skills you need to make your goals a reality. If you're interested in working with a test preparation expert while studying for your exam, then Richmond SOLIDWORKS certification training could be right for you. Get in touch with Varsity Tutors today to get started with a class. We'd love to work with you and hope to hear from you soon.

SOLIDWORKS Certifications

  • CSWA - Mechanical Design
  • CSWA - Mechanical Design - Academic Version
  • CSWA-Simulation
  • CSWA-Additive Manufacturing
  • CSWA-Electrical
  • CSWA–Sustainability
  • Platform Explorer Associate
  • CSWP - Mechanical Design
  • CSWP - Mechanical Design - Academic Version
  • CSWP-Simulation
  • CSWP-Model Based Design
  • CSWPA-Drawing Tools
  • CSWPA-Mold Making
  • CSWPA-Sheet Metal
  • CSWPA-Surfacing
  • CSWPA-Weldments
  • Certified PDM Professional Administrator (CPPA)
  • CSWE - Mechanical Design
  • CSWE – Simulation

Contact us today to connect with a top Richmond SolidWorks instructor