Study concepts, example questions & explanations for NCLEX-RN

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Example Question #1 :Causes And Treatments Of Cardiovascular Conditions

Which hypertension drug is known to cause side effects such as, bradycardia, first degree heart block, and gingival hyperplasia?

Possible Answers:






Correct answer:



Calcium channel blockers, such as amlodipine cause side effects that affect the conduction of the heart. Other side effects include nausea, headache, rash, and gingival hyperplasia.

Example Question #453 :Conditions And Treatments

护士照顾病人在卒中单元。The physician has ordered thrombolytic therapy for this patient. The nurse knows that the patient cannot receive thrombolytic medication if which of these is true?

Possible Answers:

The patient takes propranolol every day.

The patient takes ibuprofen every day.

The patient has a history of cardiac dysrhythmias.

The patient had knee replacement surgery two weeks ago.

The patient was pregnant three months ago.

Correct answer:

The patient had knee replacement surgery two weeks ago.


Thrombolytic therapy is commonly given to patients who have strokes to dissolve clots. This therapy is contraindicated in people who have recently had surgery due to the risk for hemorrhage. It is also contraindicated in currently pregnant women. Ibuprofen and beta blockers are not contraindications to thrombolytic therapy. Cardiac dysrhythmias are also not contraindicated with thrombolytic therapy.

Example Question #454 :Conditions And Treatments

An EKG monitor reveals a patient is in ventricular fibrillation. He is subsequently provided the appropriate management and is converted to normal sinus rhythm. What is the mechanism of this management?

Possible Answers:

Pharmacologic therapy to block the release of angiotensin

Pharmacologic therapy to slow conduction at the atrioventricular node

Electrical shock to speed up heart rate

Electrical shock to restart the electrical conductivity of the heart

Pharmacologic therapy to slow conduction at the sinoatrial node

Correct answer:

Electrical shock to restart the electrical conductivity of the heart


Ventricular fibrillation is a potentially lethal rhythm. It is treated via defibrillation. This is an electrical shock that temporarily stops the heart in an attempt to have the natural pacemaker rhythm of the heart take over. Electrical therapy via defibrillation is the appropriate management of ventricular fibrillation.

Example Question #11 :Cardiovascular Conditions

Which of the following is least likely to be a co-morbidity with congestive heart failure?

Possible Answers:

Vestibular irregularities

Atrial fibrillation


Type II diabetes

Correct answer:

Vestibular irregularities


充血性心力衰竭会沉淀by hypertension, type II diabetes, nutritional deficiencies such as thiamine, pulmonary disease, and chronic stress. Atrial fibrillation is not generally a causative factor in congestive heart failure, but these conditions are frequently seen together as they share an etiology. Vestibular irregularities are not generally observed in congestive heart failure.

Example Question #455 :Conditions And Treatments

A 50-year-old female presents to emergency room after complaining of chest pain that came on while at home watching television, she thought she was having a heart attack. The nurse proceeds to gather more history about this client. The client does not have a history of coronary artery or heart disease, but does report a history of migraine headaches and Raynaud's disease. There was a previous episode at this hospital where a transient ST segment elevation was identified on her EKG.

Based on these findings, the nurse might suspect what condition?

Possible Answers:

Prinzmetal's angina

Chronic stable angina

Silent ischemia

Angina decubitus

Unstable angina

Correct answer:

Prinzmetal's angina


The client describes pain at rest without a history of heart disease. This type of chest pain often describes prinzmetal's angina which is a spasm of a major coronary artery and can occur while at rest. Many times the client may have a history of other vasospastic conditions such as Raynaud's. It may be treated with a calcium channel blocker or nitrates.

Example Question #461 :Conditions And Treatments

The nurse works in the emergency department and assesses a patient who is complaining of mid-sternal chest pain. What is the nurse’s first action?

Possible Answers:

Notify the physician

Assess the patient's vital signs

Examine the patient's chest and auscultate

Order an electrocardiogram

Obtain a complete history

Correct answer:

Assess the patient's vital signs


The first nursing action for a patient arriving in distress to the emergency department is always to begin with priority assessments including vital signs. It provides a baseline for the healthcare team to use when further assessment and treatment is implemented. An electrocardiogram may be used later but is not a priority action, and is ordered by the primary care provider and not the nurse. A thorough medical history and physical assessment will be useful but is not the first action the nurse must take. The physician should be notified but the nurse must assess vital signs first.

Example Question #1261 :Nclex

Which EKG lead localizes to the base of the heart?

Possible Answers:






Correct answer:



aVF is the main lead that points to the base of the heart (inferiorly). ST segment elevations in this lead help localize the area of infarction and can help identify the coronary artery involved. The precordial leads (V1-V6) do not point towards the base of the heart. Lead I is considered a lateral lead.

Example Question #462 :Conditions And Treatments

The nurse instructs the client to do which of the following to prevent dislodgment of the pacing catheter after insertion of a permanent demand pacemaker via the right subclavian vein has been made?
Possible Answers:
Ask for help in getting out of bed and use walker to ambulate
Limit movement and abduction of left arm
Do active range-of-motion exercises with right arm
Limit movement and abduction of right arm
Correct answer:Limit movement and abduction of right arm
Explanation: The nurse should instruct the patient to limit movement and abduction of right arm. The muscles and movement of the right arm most directly effect the placement of the pacing catheter.

Example Question #2 :Cardiovascular Condition Follow Up

A 57-year-old female presents to the clinic after newly diagnosed with stage one hypertension. The nurse is responsible for teaching this client about the condition.

The nurse should include what information in teaching this client about her medications?

Possible Answers:

“高血压是一种慢性病,不能be cured but controlled with medication, diet, and exercise."

"The most optimal time to take medications is after a warm bath or exercise because blood pressure will be highest at these times."

"You should measure your blood pressure several times daily to ensure the effectiveness of prescribed medications."

"If side effects of medications arise, take stop taking the medication immediately."

"It is necessary to completely eliminate sodium from the diet as it may interfere with your prescribed medication."

Correct answer:

“高血压是一种慢性病,不能be cured but controlled with medication, diet, and exercise."


Hypertension is an incurable condition, and can be controlled by various interventions. Sodium should be redced but not eliminated, and blood pressure taken by the patient should be performed once daily then weekly after blood pressure has stabilized. Patient should be encouraged to report serious side effects to the physician before stopping the medications. Optimal times to take medications are on a regular basis, not after warm baths, alcohol ingestion, or strenous exercise.

Example Question #1 :Ecg Analysis

A client has just undergone an electrocardiogram (ECG), the nurse notes that the QRS complex is measured to be 0.09 seconds. What is the first action the nurse should take?

Possible Answers:

Place on a cardiac monitor to check for arrhythmias

Call the physician

The nurse should document this finding

Administer dopamine

Administer oxygen

Correct answer:

The nurse should document this finding


This is a normal finding, the QRS should have a duration between 0.6-0.12 seconds.

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