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You can rely on Varsity Tutors to provide excellent Los Angeles SHRM certification training. The Society for Human Resources Management's (SHRM) certifications can demonstrate to the global business community that you have strong capabilities in both aspects of HR practice—competency and knowledge—that are required for effective job performance. SHRM offers two certification options, the SHRM Certified Professional (SHRM-CP), and the SHRM Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP). Applicants can choose the credential that best suits them as long as they meet the experience and education requirements. No matter which certification you have chosen to pursue, you can get the test prep and study help you need by signing up for a Los Angeles SHRM certification course.

There are a number of benefits that come with studying in one of our live online classes as opposed to studying on your own. Because the class is online, you can eliminate your commute. You can save yourself time and stress. Plus, you can study from anywhere you would like, whether that's your home, work, or your neighborhood coffee shop.

With so many obligations in your life like work, and family, and maybe even school, it can be challenging to find time to prepare for the SHRM certification test. That doesn't have to be in an issue when you sign up for our Los Angeles SHRM certification training. Flexible scheduling makes it easy to fit test prep into your already busy life. You can choose between two-week and four-week course sections, depending on whether you want to meet more often over a shorter time, or spread out sessions to make your workload more manageable. New courses begin each month, so you can start at any time. Course sections meet at varying times on different days and run concurrently, so there are plenty of times to choose from. All you have to do is pick the one that works for you. With all of our course options, enrolling in a Los Angeles SHRM certification course that is ideally suited to your needs is a breeze.

Both SHRM exams have prerequisites. For the SHRM-CP, if you have less than a bachelor's degree, you will need to have three years of experience in HR. If you have a bachelor's degree, you will need one year of HR experience. And if you have a graduate degree, you need only be currently employed in the HR field. For the SHRM-SCP, if you have less than a bachelor's you will need six years of experience in an HR role. If you have a bachelor's degree, you will need four years of experience. With a graduate degree, you will need to have spent three years in HR.

Though the content is going to be different for the two exams, their structure is basically the same. The tests are four hours long and consist of 160 multiple-choice questions. Questions are of two types: knowledge-based, which assess your knowledge and understanding of factual information, and situational judgment questions, which assess your judgment and decision-making skills by presenting you with realistic work-based scenarios and asking you to choose the best of several strategies to resolve the issues. Content distribution for both tests is divided equally between Behavioral Competency Clusters (Leadership, Business, and Interpersonal), and HR Knowledge Domains (People, Organization, and Workplace). Some key concepts you should be familiar with if you are going to take either exam include conflict resolution styles and techniques, job offer negotiations, negotiation tactics and strategies, and anonymity, confidentiality, and privacy principles and policies, to name just a few.

Getting your SHRM certification proves your high level of knowledge and identifies you as a leader in the field of HR. It can show that you are a valuable asset to your organization, and can help you distinguish yourself in a job search, or negotiate a higher salary. Accessing those benefits means mastering a wealth of information, so investing in a trusted test prep method is a smart choice.

No matter which SHRM certification option you choose, there are a number of ways that a Los Angeles SHRM certification class can help you prepare for the exam. Perhaps most significantly, the classes provided by Varsity Tutors provide you with access to a professional instructor who has expertise in the subject. Your instructor can give in-depth lectures on human resource management and workplace organization and can answer your questions in real time as they come up. You will attend classes with other Human Resources professionals like yourself who all have the same certification objective. You and your classmates can share your perspectives from working in the field and learn from one another's experiences. Your instructor can guide you and your fellow students through activities that can give you hands-on experience.

Undoubtedly you learned a great deal at a school like UCLA or California State University-Long Beach, and if you are planning on getting SHRM certified you probably already have experience working in HR. Still, you may find that the certification covers information that you don't make use of every day. Your instructor for your Los Angeles SHRM certification training course can lead class discussions to cover the specific skills and information that you will find on the exam so that you can feel more confident that you have everything covered. No matter the depth of your Human Resources experience, you can rely on Varsity Tutors to provide you with comprehensive and efficient preparation for the exam.

Whether you are planning to take the SHRM-CP or the SHRM-SCP certification exam, your instructor can help you to master the content of the test. Additionally, your instructor can help you better understand the structure of the test as well. They can help you think about ways to approach individual questions to maximize the effectiveness of your answers. Additionally, your instructor can assist you with time management strategies so that you can make most of the time you are given. Four hours can seem like a long time, but it is important to be sure that you use that time wisely.

Let's face it, as much as you prepare for the exam, you may still find some answers elusive when they're finally put before you. Your Los Angeles SHRM certification class instructor can help you prepare for that eventuality. When you come across a question that perplexes you, there are reading techniques you can employ to help you extract the most important parts of what the question is asking. Sometimes you might find that more than one answer seems like it could be correct. Your instructor can help you develop strategies for narrowing down your choices and analyzing the remaining possibilities to increase your chances. Maybe, for you, the problem isn't the questions at all, but you feel anxiety in test settings. Learning the best ways to relax and focus when you need to can sometimes be the key to success. These are just a few ways that our classes can help you to feel prepared when it comes time to take the exam.

当你准备为一流的援助Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM) certification, all you need to do is reach out to Varsity Tutors by phone or online. Our helpful educational consultants can answer your questions and get you enrolled in a Los Angeles SHRM certification training that meets all your scheduling and test prep needs.

SHRM Certifications

  • 社团认证专业(SHRM-CP)
  • SHRM Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP)

Contact us today to connect with a top Los Angeles SHRM - Society for Human Resource Management instructor