ISEE Lower Level Verbal : Conjunctions and Sentence Logic in Phrase-Based Sentence Completions

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Example Question #1987 :Isee Lower Level (Grades 5 6) Verbal Reasoning

Choose the phrase that best completes the following sentence.

Because he__________, Mr. Walters avoided dining at restaurants that only served one type of cuisine.

Possible Answers:

disliked being confused by an array of options

preferred a spectrum of choices

liked tacos better than steak or hamburgers

owned and managed his own restaurant

preferred to cook at home

Correct answer:

preferred a spectrum of choices


The first word in this sentence, "because," immediately tells us that we are looking for a cause or reason:whydoes Mr. Walters avoid eating at the restaurants that are described? The second key is that these restaurants only serve one type of food, or "cuisine." In other words, Mr. Walters dislikes eating at establishments where his options are limited. The best answer, then, is that Mr. Walters "prefer(s) a spectrum of choices," which explains why he doesn't like restaurants that do not offer this range. If he "disliked being confused by an array," or toomany, choices, Mr. Walterswouldlike the restaurants that the second part of the sentence mentions. Finally, both owning his own restaurant and preferring one type of food over another are irrelevant pieces of information.

Example Question #1988 :Isee Lower Level (Grades 5 6) Verbal Reasoning

Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.

Although his voice was weary__________.

Possible Answers:

the musician had to stop playing

the artist could no longer perform

the man decided to rest

the singer kept going

the rockstar was rushed to the hospital

Correct answer:

the singer kept going


The key to solving this sentence completion is to recognize the word "although." "Although" meansin spite of this fact, even though this is true. So, for example "although I am tired, I am not going to sleep." So in this instance "although" the singer's voice was weary (tired) he keeps singing.

Example Question #1989 :Isee Lower Level (Grades 5 6) Verbal Reasoning

Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.

After our parents passed away I have a(n)__________to look after my two little sisters.

Possible Answers:






Correct answer:



The speaker of this sentence has lost his parents, so it makes sense that he would feel responsible for the care of his two younger sisters. So, to solve this problem you need to determine which of these answer choices is a noun that meansan action that someone feels they have to do, a duty, a moral responsibility. The correct answer is therefore "obligation." Additionally, "permission" meansconsent, the condition of being allowed to dosomething; a "procedure" isa course of action, a way of doing something; a "proposal" isa plan, a suggestion, a formal or written scheme; "ambition" meansa strong desire to achieve something.

Example Question #1990 :Isee Lower Level (Grades 5 6) Verbal Reasoning

Sentence completion: Select the word or phrase that best completes the following sentence.

The view is supposed to be spectacular, but __________.

Possible Answers:

I came with my family

I can see for miles

everyone has time to properly enjoy it

today there are too many clouds

at least I brought my sunglasses

Correct answer:

today there are too many clouds


To begin with "spectacular" meansdazzling, something worth seeing, a beautiful sight. In this sentence you are told that the view is "supposed" to be something "but" it is not. The use of these two words tell you that the correct answer must be something negative that impacts the spectacular view. The correct answer is therefore ". . . today there are too many clouds."

Example Question #1991 :Isee Lower Level (Grades 5 6) Verbal Reasoning

Sentence completion: Select the word or phrase that best completes the following sentence.

The cheese was expired, but__________.

Possible Answers:

I have lots of work to do

she threw it away

the milk was expired too

she went to the store

she ate it anyway

Correct answer:

she ate it anyway


Based on the use of the conjunction "but" you are looking for an action that would be unexpected. So, if the cheese is "expired" (out of date, no longer suitable for eating) then it would be surprising for her to eat it anyway.

Example Question #1992 :Isee Lower Level (Grades 5 6) Verbal Reasoning

Sentence completion: Select the word or phrase that best completes the following sentence.

Despite his incredible professional success__________.

Possible Answers:

he has one child

he lives in a mansion

he lives by the ocean

he is very wealthy

he is not happy

Correct answer:

he is not happy


The use of the word "despite" should help you solve this problem. "Despite" meansnot affected by something. So, "I am cold despite this blanket." Therefore the correct answer is " . . . he is not happy." The subject has achieved professional success but it has not affected his happiness.

Example Question #1993 :Isee Lower Level (Grades 5 6) Verbal Reasoning

Sentence completion: Select the word or phrase that best completes the following sentence.

He worked tirelessly, but__________.

Possible Answers:

did not achieve success

was always tired at the end of the say

drew pictures for his children

regarded his dog with great affection

came up with the solution to the problem

Correct answer:

did not achieve success


The conjunction "but" means that whatever happened must be surprising or opposite in meaning to the first half of the sentence. The correct answer is therefore " . . . did not achieve success." The man worked "tirelessly" (hard, putting in a lot of energy) "but" is hard work did bring him success. All the other answer choices are either nonsensical or would better involve the conjunction "and."

Example Question #1994 :Isee Lower Level (Grades 5 6) Verbal Reasoning

Sentence completion: Select the word or phrase that best completes the following sentence.

I went to the market and came home with a profit;__________.

Possible Answers:

my mother is very happy

I am clearly not good at negotiating

it was a terrible day

if only I had been less foolish

they love to take advantage of me

Correct answer:

my mother is very happy


In most sentences the use of a semi-colon (;) means that the sentence could be finished, but the author wants to continue the same idea. In this sentence the speaker made a profit (earned money) at the market and went home. It makes logical sense that the speaker earning money would make his mother happy, so this is the correct answer. The other answer choices suggest that the speaker had had bad luck or had lost money.

Example Question #1995 :Isee Lower Level (Grades 5 6) Verbal Reasoning

Sentence completion: Select the word or phrase that best completes the following sentence.

The peace treaty__________the conflict between the two nations .

Possible Answers:

acknowledged and mocked

brought to an end


left behind

added to the intensity of

Correct answer:

brought to an end


To solve this problem you have to determine what a peace treaty would be most likely to do to a conflict. A "conflict" isa fight, a war, an argument. A "peace treaty" isan agreement that restores peace. Additionally, "exacerbated" means变得更糟; "acknowledged" meansnoticed, recognized, accepted; "mocked" meansmade fun of.

Example Question #1996 :Isee Lower Level (Grades 5 6) Verbal Reasoning

Sentence completion: Select the word or phrase that best completes the following sentence.

The old man suffered a series of misfortunes and__________.

Possible Answers:

soon found himself penniless

experienced many lucky moments

never got upset about it

felt that he was incredibly lucky

managed to turn his life around

Correct answer:

soon found himself penniless


To begin with "misfortune" isbad luck. So, the man experienced a lot of bad luck and then something happened. Of these answer choices four of them would make more sense with the conjunction "but." So the answer choice, " . . . soon found himself penniless" makes sense with the conjunction "and" because it continues the same point as the first half of the sentence. "Penniless" meansvery poor, having no money.

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