Intermediate Geometry : Hexagons

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Example Questions

Example Question #11 :How To Find The Length Of The Side Of A Hexagon

Find the length of a side of a regular hexagon that has its center at.


Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


This is a regular hexagon; therefore, when we draw in the diagonals, we will createidentical equilateral triangles as shown by the figure:


Now, the given line segment also serves as the height to the newly created equilateral triangles. This height also splits an equilateral triangle into two congruenttriangles.

Recall thattriangles have side lengths that are in the ratio of.

Substitute in the given height into the ratio in order to find the length of the base of thetriangle.



The length of the side of the hexagon is twice the length of the base.

Substitute in the value of the length of the base to find the side length of the hexagon.


Example Question #12 :How To Find The Length Of The Side Of A Hexagon

Find the length of a side of a regular hexagon that has its center at.


Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


This is a regular hexagon; therefore, when we draw in the diagonals, we will createidentical equilateral triangles as shown by the figure:


Now, the given line segment also serves as the height to the newly created equilateral triangles. This height also splits an equilateral triangle into two congruenttriangles.

Recall thattriangles have side lengths that are in the ratio of.

Substitute in the given height into the ratio in order to find the length of the base of thetriangle.



The length of the side of the hexagon is twice the length of the base.

Substitute in the value of the length of the base to find the side length of the hexagon.


Example Question #13 :How To Find The Length Of The Side Of A Hexagon

Find the length of a side of a regular hexagon that has its center at.


Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


This is a regular hexagon; therefore, when we draw in the diagonals, we will createidentical equilateral triangles as shown by the figure:


Now, the given line segment also serves as the height to the newly created equilateral triangles. This height also splits an equilateral triangle into two congruenttriangles.

Recall thattriangles have side lengths that are in the ratio of.

Substitute in the given height into the ratio in order to find the length of the base of thetriangle.



The length of the side of the hexagon is twice the length of the base.

Substitute in the value of the length of the base to find the side length of the hexagon.


Example Question #14 :How To Find The Length Of The Side Of A Hexagon

Find the length of a side of a regular hexagon that has its center at.


Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


This is a regular hexagon; therefore, when we draw in the diagonals, we will createidentical equilateral triangles as shown by the figure:


Now, the given line segment also serves as the height to the newly created equilateral triangles. This height also splits an equilateral triangle into two congruenttriangles.

Recall thattriangles have side lengths that are in the ratio of.

Substitute in the given height into the ratio in order to find the length of the base of thetriangle.



The length of the side of the hexagon is twice the length of the base.

Substitute in the value of the length of the base to find the side length of the hexagon.


Example Question #15 :How To Find The Length Of The Side Of A Hexagon

Find the length of a side of a regular hexagon that has its center at.


Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


This is a regular hexagon; therefore, when we draw in the diagonals, we will createidentical equilateral triangles as shown by the figure:


Now, the given line segment also serves as the height to the newly created equilateral triangles. This height also splits an equilateral triangle into two congruenttriangles.

Recall thattriangles have side lengths that are in the ratio of.

Substitute in the given height into the ratio in order to find the length of the base of thetriangle.



The length of the side of the hexagon is twice the length of the base.

Substitute in the value of the length of the base to find the side length of the hexagon.


Example Question #16 :How To Find The Length Of The Side Of A Hexagon

Find the length of a side of a regular hexagon that has its center at.


Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


This is a regular hexagon; therefore, when we draw in the diagonals, we will createidentical equilateral triangles as shown by the figure:


Now, the given line segment also serves as the height to the newly created equilateral triangles. This height also splits an equilateral triangle into two congruenttriangles.

Recall thattriangles have side lengths that are in the ratio of.

Substitute in the given height into the ratio in order to find the length of the base of thetriangle.



The length of the side of the hexagon is twice the length of the base.

Substitute in the value of the length of the base to find the side length of the hexagon.


Example Question #17 :How To Find The Length Of The Side Of A Hexagon

Find the length of a side of a regular hexagon that has its center at.


Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


This is a regular hexagon; therefore, when we draw in the diagonals, we will createidentical equilateral triangles as shown by the figure:


Now, the given line segment also serves as the height to the newly created equilateral triangles. This height also splits an equilateral triangle into two congruenttriangles.

Recall thattriangles have side lengths that are in the ratio of.

Substitute in the given height into the ratio in order to find the length of the base of thetriangle.



The length of the side of the hexagon is twice the length of the base.

Substitute in the value of the length of the base to find the side length of the hexagon.


Example Question #18 :How To Find The Length Of The Side Of A Hexagon

Given: Regular Hexagonwith center. Construct segmentsandto form Quadrilateral.

True or false: Quadrilateralis a rhombus.

Possible Answers:



Correct answer:



Below is regular Hexagonwith center, a segment drawn fromto each vertex - that is, each of itsradiidrawn.

Hexagon 2

Each angle of a regular hexagon measures; by symmetry, each radius bisects an angle of the hexagon, so


Also, each central angle is one sixth of a complete circle, so.

This makesandequilateral triangles. Therefore,


By transitivity,


Quadrilateral有四条边相等长度的结果吗a rhombus.

Example Question #19 :How To Find The Length Of The Side Of A Hexagon

五国的hexagon are known to have length 10; the perimeter of the pentagon is 60.

True, false, or undetermined: The hexagon is regular.

Possible Answers:




Correct answer:



If the hexagon has perimeter 60, and five of its sides are known to have length 10, then the length of its sixth side is


All six sides are of the same length, so the hexagon is equilateral. However, for the hexagon to be regular, it must hold that all six angles are of the same measure as well - that is, it must also be equiangular. However, an equilateral hexagon may or may not be equiangular, as seen by the figures below; both are equilateral hexagons, but only the left one is equiangular.


Therefore, the question of whether the hexagon is regular cannot be answered without further information.

Example Question #1 :How To Find An Angle In A Hexagon

There is a regular hexagon with a side length of. What is the measure of an internal angle?

Possible Answers:

cannot be determined

Correct answer:


Given that the hexagon is a regular hexagon, this means that all the side length are congruent and all internal angles are congruent. The question requires us to solve for the measure of an internal angle. Given the aforementioned definition of a regular polygon, this means that there must only be one correct answer.

In order to solve for the answer, the question provides additional information that isn't necessarily required. The measure of an internal angle can be solved for using the equation:

whereis the number of sides of the polygon.

In this case,.

For this problem, the information about the side length may be negated.

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