Human Anatomy and Physiology : Circulatory and Respiratory Systems

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Example Questions

Example Question #172 :Injuries And Disorders

What is cystic fibrosis?

Possible Answers:

An inherited disease that affects the secretory glands, producing thick and sticky mucus build up in the lungs

A disorder that causes cysts to grow on ovaries

A digestive disorder that increases sensitivity to gluten

A disease that is caused by bacteria infecting the lungs

Correct answer:

An inherited disease that affects the secretory glands, producing thick and sticky mucus build up in the lungs


Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disease that affects the secretory glands. While mucus is normally slippery and watery, those who have cystic fibrosis often have thick and sticky mucus, which primarily affects the function of the respiratory system. This mucus is difficult to clear and provides a breeding ground for bacteria, leading to secondary infections.

Example Question #173 :Injuries And Disorders

Cystic fibrosis causes thick and sticky mucus, but also affects sweat in what way?

Possible Answers:

Creates sticky sweat

Removes the skin's ability to produce sweat at all

It causes sweat to become very salty, which can lead to excess mineral loss

Replaces sweat with sebum, causing skin to become very oily

Correct answer:

It causes sweat to become very salty, which can lead to excess mineral loss


Cystic fibrosis causes sweat to become very salty, which can lead to numerous secondary issues. Some of the issues caused by this include dehydration, increased heart rate, and fatigue. It can also lead to heat stroke or death.

Example Question #174 :Injuries And Disorders

What is pleurisy?

Possible Answers:

Another name for Pneumonia

An inherited heart condition

A condition in which the pleura is inflamed

A fungal infection of the toenail

Correct answer:

A condition in which the pleura is inflamed


Pleurisy is an inflammation of the pleura, or a membrane that wraps around the lungs and chest cavity. The inflammation causes the membrane layers to rub against each other and causing sharp pain. Many things can cause pleurisy, including viral infections.

Example Question #10 :Help With Respiratory Injuries And Disorders

When air or gas build up in the pleural space, what is the disorder called?

Possible Answers:





Correct answer:



Pneumothorax is when air or gas builds up in the pleural space. This can be caused by lung disease or an acute lung injury. The symptoms are a sudden sharp pain in one side and shortness of breath. Pneumothorax can also cause the lungs to collapse.

Example Question #31 :Circulatory And Respiratory Systems

What is the primary symptom of asthma?

Possible Answers:


Itchy, red eyes

High fever

Inflammation of airways

Correct answer:

Inflammation of airways


哮喘是一种呼吸道疾病,导致the inflammation of airways. This inflammation of the airways can lead to shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, and tightness in the chest. Asthma cannot be cured, but can be managed with the use of medication and lifestyle changes.

Example Question #32 :Circulatory And Respiratory Systems

What are the two types of test for tuberculosis?

Possible Answers:

Skin and x-ray

Skin and hair

Blood and urine

Hair and nail

Correct answer:

Skin and x-ray


Tuberculosis (TB) can be tested for using a skin test or a chest x-ray. Tests that come back positive can indicate a latent or active TB infection. TB can be treated using antibiotics, but it takes several months of daily treatment to clear the disease.

Example Question #175 :Injuries And Disorders

What can Adenoviruses cause?

Possible Answers:

Pneumonia, pleurisy, pneumothorax, insomnia, and certain cancers

Irritability, narcolepsy, depression

Common cold, hay fever, hives

Common cold, sore throat, bronchitis, pneumonia

Correct answer:

Common cold, sore throat, bronchitis, pneumonia


Adenoviruses can cause common colds, sore throats, bronchitis, pneumonia, and other illnesses. Adenoviruses are rarely fatal, but those with a weakened immune system can face serious complications that could lead to death. Because infections are viral, treating adenoviruses with antibiotics is ineffective.

Example Question #176 :Injuries And Disorders

What causes Aspergillosis?

Possible Answers:





Correct answer:



Aspergillosis is an infection caused byAspergillus, a common mold that exists both indoors and outdoors. The symptoms ofAspergillusinfections include allergic reactions, lung infections, and infections in other organs. Apergillosis is typically only found in those with compromised immune systems.

Example Question #31 :Circulatory And Respiratory Systems

What causes black lung in miners?

Possible Answers:

Pneumonia and smoking


Smoke inhalation

Coal dust

Correct answer:

Coal dust


Black lung is a form of pneumoconioses that is caused by inhalation of coal mine dust. This dust aggravates the tissues of the lungs and accumulates to give normally pink lungs a black color. There is no specific treatment or cure for black lung, but it can be managed by oxygen therapy or medications that dilate the airways.

Example Question #32 :Circulatory And Respiratory Systems

If a patient accidentally swallowed a foreign object into the respiratory tract, where would you most likely suspect the foreign body to be located on an x-ray?

Possible Answers:

Right principal bronchus

Left pulmonary vein

Terminal bronchiole

Right pulmonary artery

Left principal bronchus

Correct answer:

Right principal bronchus


If a patient were to aspirate (swallow a foreign object into the respiratory tract) it is most likely going to end up in the right principal bronchus. This is because the right principal bronchus is almost a vertical continuation of the trachea, while the left principal bronchus departs from the trachea at an angle. Terminal bronchioles are too small for foreign objects to be lodged.

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