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Temperatureis the measure of hotness or coldness of an object. Temperature can be measured in metric units or in U.S. customary units. We can use a thermometer that has both a Celsius ( ° C ) and a Fahrenheit ( ° F ) scale to measure the temperature.

The following table shows the different temperatures on Celsius ( ° C ) and a Fahrenheit ( ° F ) .

Fahrenheit ( ° F )
Celsius ( ° C )
Normal Human Body Temperature 98 ° F 37 ° C
Room Temperature 68 ° F 20 ° C
Water Boils 212 ° F 100 ° C
Water Freezes 32 ° F 0 ° C

Metric Units

In metric unit, temperature is measured in degrees Celsius ( ° C ). The Celsius scale is also called thecentigrade scalesince it's divided into 100 degrees. The Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius who developed Celsius temperature scale.

U.S. Customary Units

In the customary unit, temperature is measured in degrees Fahrenheit ( ° F ). The physicist Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit who named Fahrenheit ( ° F ) in 1724

The thermometers on the above figure show the water freezes at 0 ° C or 32 ° F and boils at 100 ° C or 212 ° F

To converttemperatures from Fahrenheit to Celsius, use the formula C = 5 9 ( F 32 ) and for Celsius to Fahrenheit is F = 9 5 C + 32

For Example, the lowest recorded temperature in Oklahoma is 31 ° F on February 9 , 2011 .找到摄氏度的温度。

The expression to convert a temperature in Fahrenheit to degree Celsius is C = 5 9 ( F 32 )

To convert 31 ° F to degree Celsius, first replace F with 31

5 9 ( F 32 ) = 5 9 ( 31 32 ) = 5 9 ( 63 )

Next, multiply.

5 ( 63 ) 9 = 315 9

Now, divide.

= 35

Therefore, the temperature in degrees Celsius is 35 ° C

Note: The Kelvin( K ), a unit of thermodynamic temperature, is the 1 273.16 of the absolute temperature of the triple point of water.