High School Physics : Waves, Sound, and Light

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Example Questions

Example Question #31 :Waves

A clarinet plays a note with a frequency of. What is the wavelength of the sound?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


The relationship between wavelength, frequency, and velocity is:

We are given the speed of sound and the frequency, allowing us to solve for the wavelength.

Example Question #32 :Waves

A wave has a period of. What is the frequency of this wave?

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Correct answer:


Frequency is equal to the reciprocal of the period:

Given the period, we can invert it to find the frequency.

Example Question #33 :Waves

The period of a wave is. What is the frequency?

Possible Answers:

We need to know the velocity of the wave in order to solve

We need to know the wavelength in order to solve

Correct answer:


Frequency is the reciprocal of period.

We are given the period, so we simply need to take the reciprocal to solve for the frequency.

Example Question #34 :Waves

A saxophone plays a B-flat atin normal air at. What is the wavelength of the note?

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Correct answer:


Remember that the velocity of a wave is always equal to the wavelength times the frequency:

All sound waves will travel with the same velocity, the speed of sound. Using this value and the given frequency, we can calculate the wavelength.

Example Question #35 :Waves

A flute plays a note with a frequency of. What is the period of this note?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


Period is the inverse of frequency:


Given the frequency, we simply need to take the reciprocal in order to find the period.

Example Question #1 :Understanding Amplitude And Period

A wave has a frequency of. What is its period?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


The relationship between frequency and period is.

Plug in our given value:

Example Question #2 :Understanding Amplitude And Period

A wave has a period of. What is its frequency?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


The relationship between frequency and period is.

Plug in our given value:

Example Question #3 :Understanding Amplitude And Period

A certain type of radiation on the electromagnetic spectrum has a frequency of. What is the period of this radiation?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


The relationship between frequency and period is:

We are given the frequency in the question. Using this value, we can solve for the period.

Example Question #4 :Understanding Amplitude And Period

What is the frequency of a wave with a period of?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


The relationship between frequency and period is:

Frequency is simply the reciprocal of period.

Example Question #5 :Understanding Amplitude And Period

A saxophone plays a note with a wavelength of. What is the period of the sound?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


The relationship between wavelength, frequency, and velocity is:

Frequency is the inverse of period, allowing us to substitute into the velocity equation.

We are given the speed of sound and the wavelength. Using these values, we can solve for the period.

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