GRE Verbal : Parts of Speech in Two-Blank Texts

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Example Questions

Example Question #1549 :Gre Verbal Reasoning

Choose the set of words that best completes the following sentence.

Many of the spectators were__________, deriding the female champion and calling her a(n)__________because of her brawny physique.

Possible Answers:

philanthropic . . . ogress

chauvinists . . . amazon

egalitarian . . . shrew

misogynists . . . seraph

sexist . . . cherub

Correct answer:

chauvinists . . . amazon


“Sexist” refers to a person or group whodiscriminates based on gender. “Misogynist” is a person whodislikes women, or at the very least mistrusts them. “Chauvinist,” as it’s used in this sentence, isa person who believes their gender is superior. “Amazon” refers to mythical Greek woman-warriors who werelarge and aggressive, but it can also be used to denigrate a woman in modern times. “Chauvinists . . . amazon” is the best answer.

Example Question #1550 :Gre Verbal Reasoning

Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.

Though Martin was a__________________when it came to learning about local wines, the tour guide at the vineyard treated him as though he were already a__________________who knew as much about wine as the vintners themselves.

Possible Answers:

neophyte . . . connoisseur

dearth . . . plethora

novice . . . apostate

mendicant . . . sycophant

maverick . . . dirge

Correct answer:

neophyte . . . connoisseur


The word "though" clues us in to the fact that we're looking for two opposite words. "Neophyte" and "connoisseur" are the only two words that fit the blanks. A "neophyte" is someone who isinexperienced with a given task or field, and a "connoisseur" isan experienced and expert consumer of a given product.

Example Question #41 :Parts Of Speech In Two Blank Texts

Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.

The overwhelming__________of immigrants into the country had many calling for__________for illegal aliens.

Possible Answers:

incursion . . . hebetude

influx . . . amnesty

疏散. . . condonation

expulsion . . . immunity

invasion . . . vanguard

Correct answer:

influx . . . amnesty


“Influx” refers toa large quantity or size coming inward. “Amnesty” refers tobeing pardoned or having an authoritative party completely overlook your actions. In this case, it refers to the government overlooking that the immigrants were not legally admitted. Since whatever is going on with these immigrants is “overwhelming,” this pair of words would be a logical solution. “Influx . . . amnesty” is the correct answer.

Example Question #42 :Parts Of Speech In Two Blank Texts

Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.

The movie was rife with__________. The filmmakers even had the__________to show George Washington wearing a wristwatch.

Possible Answers:

verisimilitude . . . effrontery

precision . . . presumption

anachronisms . . . audacity

blunders . . . consternation

transgressions . . . pusillanimity

Correct answer:

anachronisms . . . audacity


“Anachronism” refers tosomething that is out of place in historical or chronological time. A good way to remember that the word refers to time is to relate the root “chron” with “chronological.” “Audacity” refers toboldness to the point of recklessness. “Anachronisms . . . audacity” is the correct answer.

Example Question #43 :Parts Of Speech In Two Blank Texts

Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.

Ava did not expect to be branded as an____________________by her obstetrician when she told him that she’d decided to use a midwife for her prenatal care and delivery. His harsh reaction to her choice suggested that having the baby at a birth center rather than at the hospital was nothing less than______________________to the medical establishment; it went against all conventions and expectations.

Possible Answers:

eccentric . . . deference

idiom . . . happenstance

indigent . . . insult

iconoclast . . . heresy

orator . . . hypocrisy

Correct answer:

iconoclast . . . heresy


The main clue is that Ava's choice "went against all conventions and expectations." Therefore, her doctor branded her assomeone who majorly goes against the grain(an "iconoclast"). To the medical establishment, her decisionwent against the expected norm; it was "heresy."

Example Question #44 :Parts Of Speech In Two Blank Texts

Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.

The________________of the rain, even if temporary, was welcomed by all; officials were already worried that a_________________in the levee could cause the whole city to flood.

Possible Answers:

cessation . . . breach

anomaly . . . crack

stopping . . . drought

improvidence . . . deficiency

peccadillo . . . sinecure

Correct answer:

cessation . . . breach


Officials are worried about a flood, so we know that what they welcomed was apauseorbreakin the rain. "Cessation" is a good fit here. Abreak (or "breach") in the levee could cause flooding.

Example Question #45 :Parts Of Speech In Two Blank Texts

Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.

Over the years, her annoyance at his___________________degenerated into absolute____________________.

Possible Answers:

antics . . . idolatry

geniality . . . rancor

tomfoolery . . . adulation

shenanigans . . . animosity

amiability . . . enmity

Correct answer:

shenanigans . . . animosity


To “degenerate” means toget worse. This being the case, the answer to the second blank must be worse than annoying, which eliminates “idolatry” and “adulation.” “Shenanigans” aredevious tricks or pranks. “Animosity” isfeeling strong hostility or hatred towards someone or something. “Shenanigans . . . animosity” is the best answer.

Example Question #46 :Parts Of Speech In Two Blank Texts

Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.

The football star's__________________of friends and enablers only exacerbated his____________________for missing team meetings and breaking curfew.

Possible Answers:

coterie . . . proclivity

coffer . . . tendency

compendium . . . habit

maelstrom . . . declivity

entourage . . . travesty

Correct answer:

coterie . . . proclivity


在句子的上下文,第一个空白should reflect a word closely meaning "group." Of the answer choices, only "entourage" and "coterie" match this description. To decide between these two choices, we must next look at the second blank. In the sentence, the word "exacerbated" points to the fact that the star has some sort of habit beingmade worseby this group. "Travesty" does not apply here, but "proclivity" is a near-perfect mirror for "habit" in this context.

# 47例问题:Parts Of Speech In Two Blank Texts

Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.

Rhiannon wished she'd heeded the________________she'd felt about sailing this late in the season. If she'd had the__________________to anticipate the storm, her accident might well have been avoided.

Possible Answers:

lassitude . . . derision

omens . . . reverence

qualms . . . prescience

anodyne . . . celerity

penury . . . calumny

Correct answer:

qualms . . . prescience


For the first blank, we are looking for something like "doubts." "Qualms" is the best fit here. The clue for the second blank is "anticipate," so we're looking for something likeforeknowledgeor "prescience."

Example Question #1 :Nouns And Verbs In Two Blank Texts

The soldier grabbed a__________to fight the invaders although it could not__________their armor.

Possible Answers:

receptacle . . . grasp

tome . . . laud

savant . . . goad

lance . . . breach

ruse . . . cajole

Correct answer:

lance . . . breach


The sentence refers to a "soldier" and "invaders," giving a military theme to the sentence. The first blank must mean some kind of weapon, while the second blank indicates harming the "armor." "Lance,"a spear or long spike, and "breach," meaningto penetrate,together make up the correct answer.

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