GRE Subject Test: Psychology : GRE Subject Test: Psychology

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Example Questions

Example Question #1 :Structure Of Personality

Which of the following terms refers to the masculinity found in women?

Possible Answers:


Masculine self-concept


Inner self

Correct answer:



According to analytical psychologist and personality theorist Carl Jung, men and women contain elements of masculinity and femininity. The feminine personality traits found in men are called the "anima" and the masculine traits found in women are known collectively as the "animus."

Example Question #2 :Structure Of Personality

Which of the following is not a correct statement regarding temperament and personality?

Possible Answers:

Temperament develops after personality

Temperament is the central aspect to personality

Temperament is observable in infancy; whereas personality is not

Temperament is a broader set of tendencies compared to personality

Correct answer:

Temperament develops after personality


Temperament and personality are related constructs. Temperament develops first and is a broad categorization of interaction style (e.g. slow to warm up). It is observable in infancy; whereas personality is a more specific construct that extends beyond interaction style and develops between infancy and adulthood.

Example Question #3 :Structure Of Personality

Freud's theory of personality included all of the following except_____________?

Possible Answers:





Correct answer:



Freud believed the personality was made up of three components- the id, the ego, and the superego. He thought the id and the super ego were unconscious. However, he did not consider it an aspect of the personality.

Example Question #1 :Lifespan Development

A parent sets rigid rules and demands obedience. They may use physical force, verbal insults or withdrawal of attention or love as motivators. They lack the warmth of other parents. According to Baumrind, this parent is using which parenting style?

Possible Answers:





None of these answers

Correct answer:



Remember that authoritarian, not authoritative, refers to this style of parenting. Here's a bad rhyme to remember the difference: "Authoritarian is scaring friends and fairly tense. Authoritative is stimulative and facultative". The other parenting styles have permissive in the name, which should tip you off that neither of them will be a strict parenting style.

Example Question #2 :Lifespan Development

A parent is warm and loving to their child. They are very affectionate, and rarely punish their offspring. In fact, they almost never set limits or boundaries, and never dole out punishments. This parent is exhibiting which of Baumrind's parenting styles?

Possible Answers:


None of these answers




Correct answer:



This can be worked out logically, even without knowledge of Baumrind's four parenting styles. The parent is permissive but not uninvolved. The parent does not display much authority. However, the parent is clearly permissive and indulgent.

Example Question #1 :Physical & Motor

According to the Denver Developmental Screening Test, a child should develop which of the following motor skills at approximately eight months old?

Possible Answers:

Kick a ball


Grasp a piece of cereal in thumb and finger


Make a tower of two cubes

Correct answer:

Grasp a piece of cereal in thumb and finger


According to the Denver Developmental Screening Test, which is a widely used screening test to detect problems in the development of children from birth to six years of age, a child should be able use use their thumb and finger to grasp or pinch a piece of cereal at eight months of age. After one year of age the child should be able to walk, scribble, make a tower of two cubes, and kick a ball.

Example Question #4 :Lifespan Development

A mother tickles her newborn baby's foot, causing the baby's big toe to extend upwards while the other toes fan out. This best describes which of the following reflexes?

Possible Answers:





Correct answer:



The question describes the Babinski reflex. It is present at birth and will continue until the infant reaches approximately two years of age.

Example Question #5 :Lifespan Development

Reflexes occur after particular parts of the body are stimulated. Which of the following body parts and infant reflexes is correctly matched?

Possible Answers:

Moro and hands

Grasping and toes

Rooting and cheeks

Babinski and ears

Correct answer:

Rooting and cheeks


The correct answer is “rooting and cheeks.” The rooting reflex involves the infant turning its head after its cheek is stimulated. The Moro reflex is also called the startle reflex because the infant extends its arms and limbs after being startled. The Babinski reflex happens when an infant's foot is rubbed and its toes fan out. Last, the grasping reflex occurs when a finger or object is put in an infant's hand.

Example Question #6 :Lifespan Development

What motor movement is an infant expected to be able to do around the same time the child develops a social smile?

Possible Answers:

Lift head up while lying on his or her back (prone)


Walk without assistance

Sit without assistance

Correct answer:

Lift head up while lying on his or her back (prone)


Infants are expected to be able to lift their head, smile socially, and coo between the age of 1-3 months. Infants begin to crawl between 7-11 months. Infants start walking between 12-15 months. Lastly, infants can begin to sit unassisted between 4-6 months.

Example Question #7 :Lifespan Development

At 4-6 months of age, an infant is expected to be able to do/exhibit all of the following except:

Possible Answers:

Smile socially

Sit unassisted

Recognize familiar people

Crawl on hands and knees

Correct answer:

Crawl on hands and knees


An infant is not expected to be able to crawl until 7-11 months, where they are also expected to show stranger anxiety, use gestures, and imitate sounds. The rest of the listed behaviors are typical of an infant between 4-6 months.

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