


1864年,牧师Elias Hillard,一位公教牧师和过去的历史学家,开始了一项“生死关头”的使命。这是历史用文字或照片记录美国独立战争中最后幸存士兵的最后一次机会。令人难以置信的是,在英国将军康沃利斯在约克镇向美国人投降结束独立战争83年后,6名参加过独立战争的老兵还活着。更令人难以置信的是,由于希拉德牧师的努力,这六名退伍军人的照片得以在历史记录中找到,这是战争中唯一的士兵照片。由于所有6名幸存的士兵都已超过100岁,希拉德牧师的历史探索显得非常紧迫。1864年7月,即使是另一场战争,内战已经进入第三个年头,希拉德牧师以传教士的热情,继续执行他的计划,寻找革命的幸存者,采访他们,给他们拍照,并为他的书口述他们的历史。尽管相机是大约30年前才发明的,至今仍是一个奇迹,但它能够为希拉德提供六名幸存者的真实照片。正如希拉德当时所说,“历史存在于创造它的人身上。”“我们将是那些曾经注视过华盛顿的人们的最后一双眼睛;我们的耳朵将最后听到那些听到他的话的人的声音。” The dimly remembered reminiscences of the six veterans form a portrait of a bygone generation. Dignified yet capable of irreverence. Unpretentious yet full of wisdom. Mild and yet endowed with an indomitable will. These six are the Argonauts of a bygone age. They were the last generation that was a living link with the time when the Americans achieved national independence.





讨论他在大陆军的服役.....“我们驻扎在莫霍克山谷。阿诺德是我们的将军,他是一个血肉之躯。他什么都不喜欢;他会骑着马进来。而是“来吧,孩子们!”不是“走吧,孩子们!”他是世界上最勇敢的人。他皮肤黝黑,黑头发,中等身材。他身上没有一点无用的木料。他是一个严厉的人,但对他的士兵很好。他们待他不好,他应该拿伯戈因的剑。 But he ought to have been true. We had true men then; 'twasn't as it is now. Everybody was true; the Tories we'd killed or driven to Canada.......The men that caught Andre were true. He wanted to get away, offered them everything. Washington hated to hang him; he cried, they said." Commenting on the Battle of Saratoga: "The first day at Bemis Heights (we) both claimed the victory. But by and by we got Burgoyne where we wanted him, and he gave up. He saw there was no use in fighting it out. There's where I call 'em gentlemen. Bless your body, we had gentlemen to fight with in those days. When they was whipped they gave up. It isn't so now."




他与革命的联系开始了他16岁的时候。在他被选中进入军队后的一年,他被卫生局被俘虏了。他被带到纽约,在那里他被局限于纽约的糖屋以及他公司的20名或更多成员。Sugar House Prisons是糖炼油厂,坚固的石头和砖建筑。他们被英国人用作俘虏美国士兵和平民被限制的监狱。两个月后,他和他的整个公司被兑换为英国囚犯并发布。Rev. Waldo说他从未见过华盛顿或洛杉矶Fayette。在会众教堂的一名部长,他在新伦敦的牧师担任了一段时间。在他晚些时候,在96岁时,他选择了代表房子的Chaplain。“在他的个人习惯中,沃尔多先生非常谨慎和规律。他的立场是”少吃“。 He drank tea and coffee. The control of the temper he deemed one of the most important conditions of health, declaring that a fit of passion does more to break down the constitution than a fever. His memory was excellent, differing from that of most aged people, in that he retained current events with the same clearness as the earlier incidents of his history."

lemuel cook



革命的最古老的幸存者在105岁时,lemuel cook于1781年进入了他的国家的服务。“当我申请入伍时,Hallibud队长告诉我,除非我愿意为战争征领我,除非我会为战争招募,否则我很小[编辑注意事项:战争的结束与入伍3个月,6个月或一年]。厨师在Brandywine和Cornwallis的战役中达成并在康沃尔斯的投降,结束战争。解释了厨师:“这是据报道华盛顿要去纽约风暴.....不再想到它而不是去佛兰德......然后我们在弗吉尼亚州。没有多少战斗。Cornwallis试图迫使他的北京到纽约;但陷入了拉式搬徒的怀抱,他把他送回了。老罗奇巴宾人告诉他们,“我会从舰队中陆地陆地,反对你的八百。”但他们不是。我们几乎没有吃饭,没有什么可以在天上喝酒。我们向上刷了一些刷子以保持苍蝇。 Washington ordered that there should be no laughing at the British; said it was bad enough to have to surrender without being insulted." Today Cook still walks comfortably with the help of a cane; and with the aid of glasses reads his 'book,' as he calls the Bible. "He is fond of company, loves a joke, and is good-natured in a rough sort of way. He likes to relate his experiences in the army and among the Indians. The old man's health is comfortably good; and he enjoys life as much as could be expected at his great age. Altogether, he is a noble old man; and long may it yet be before his name shall be missed from the roll of his country's deliverer's."


亚历山大女帽设计师(克)Alexander Milliner(Maroney)104岁。1770年3月14日出生于魁北克。1874年去世。在白皮,白兰地,蒙茅斯和乌克敦的战斗中奋斗。还在旧护警宪法上担任海军。在他在军队服务的招募时太年轻,亚历山大被邀请成为一个鼓手男孩。叙述过去,他说他最喜欢华盛顿。在雷维尔的鼓声之后,华盛顿会沿着他拍打着他的头,并称他为他的男孩。有一次,“一个痛苦的早晨,”他把他的烧瓶喝了一杯。他将华盛顿描述为“一个好人,一个美丽的男人。他总是愉快;永远不会改变面容,但在胜利中遭到失败和撤退相同。 One day the General sent for me to come up to Headquarters. After the Life Guard came out and paraded, the General told me to play. So I took the drum, overhauled her, braced her up and played a tune. The General put his hand in his pocket and gave me three dollars; then one and another gave me more-- so I made out well; in all I got fifteen dollars.” Milliner was in a number of battles, including Saratoga. Of Burgoyne's surrender he said, “The British soldiers looked down-hearted. When the order came to 'ground arms,' one of them exclaimed, with an oath, 'You are not going to have my gun!' and threw it violently on the ground and smashed it. Arnold was a smart man; they didn't saerve (sic) him quite straight.” After his service in the Continental Army, Milliner married Abigail Barton, aged eighteen. He and his wife lived together for sixty-two years 'without a death in the family or a coffin in the house.' They had nine children, forty-three grand children, seventeen great-grand children and three great-great-grand children. At the time of his wife's death he was one hundred and two years old and still able to cultivate his garden.




他与革命战争的服务有限。他在十五岁时入伍,沿海防御自己的国家,缅因州。他看到的唯一战斗是在他被囚犯的城堡围困。但英国人,宣称这是一个羞耻,因为囚犯一个如此年轻,及时释放他。在战争结束后,碰跟在二十二岁的时候结婚,之后他的妻子怜悯十五个孩子。在他晚些时候,他被描述为“早期提升者和一个勤奋的工作者。他经常抽烟,中度使用抚摸液体。他的思绪仍然活跃,虽然他的身体很虚弱。他的记忆是好的,留下日期,所以他是历史问题的家庭中的裁判。“他的最后一个请求之一是美国国旗应该覆盖他的遗体,并在葬礼上展示。 This was done; and in the stillness of a bright Spring afternoon, in the midst of an assembled multitude, upon the farm which for nearly a century had been his home, all that was mortal of the old hero was removed from earthly sight, while the stars and stripes he had so long honored, floated above his grave.”



他在十六岁时入伍,他注册了守卫边境的服务,在那里他在弗吉尼亚州的驾驶附近花了五年。记录表明,他在宾夕法尼亚州州州民兵中提供了三次职责。在战争结束时,链接与他的遥远的相对结婚。“在此活动之后,喜欢变化,他从一个地方漫游到另一个地方,生活但是每一段时间都有很短的时间;所以花了他生命的早期部分。在六十岁时,他从宾夕法尼亚州到俄亥俄州走到俄亥俄州,一百四十英里的距离,在三天内完成它,平均每天四十七英里。当七十岁的时候,他设置了清除一个农场,并留下了一段时间。延续他的陆军前沿服务的习惯,他没有注意他的饮食方式,数量,质量或时间;他沉迷于强烈的饮料。他严厉而不断地努力。 Notwithstanding all, his health was good till near the very close of his life.”