
再加上他没有幽默感,很少讲故事,也不喜欢讲故事,俏皮话和笑话都浪费在他身上,人们就可以理解他为什么相信:在密西西比河流域有一大群猛犸象在游荡。在黄石河的河口附近有一座八十英里长四十英里宽的纯盐山。克里克印第安人是古代迦太基人的后裔。杰斐逊总是乐于接受新发现和新理论,即使它们可能与他自己的信仰相矛盾。本着启蒙运动的精神,对人类理性和科学的信仰,他对所有的发现和科学推测保持开放的心态。他相信科学掌握着社会知识的关键,这种观点,加上他的改良主义、人道主义和功利主义倾向,激发了他的许多生活和思想。杰斐逊认为科学本质上是功利主义的。他的目光集中在科学能给人类带来的好处上。他对发明的兴趣决定了他对科学的兴趣,而科学是为人类造福的科学发现的最终实际应用。所有的知识都应该被证明具有一定的实用价值。 Monticello, Jefferson's home, was filled with examples of his scientific philosophy. An inventor and gadgeteer of great ingenuity, Jefferson's practical innovations or improvements on others inventions included: the swivel chair, the polygraph, letter press, hemp break. pedometer, mouldboard plow, sulky, folding chair, dumb-waiter, double acting doors, a seven day clock, and a wind vane on the eastern portico of Monticello that enabled him to see which way the wind was blowing on a raining day without getting wet. The entry hall at Monticello was made by Jefferson into a museum to display his many scientific interests. The displays included fossils and specimens from the Lewis and Clark Expedition. The scientific results of this expedition, under Jefferson's detailed instructions, were far reaching. For two years and four months the expedition collected Indian vocabularies, flora, fauna and mineral specimens, made topographical maps, sought fossils, charted waterways and observed Indian cultures. Jefferson's interest in the West was intense. He also commissioned Zebulon Pike's expedition in 1806. The Lewis and Clark and Pike expeditions were the precursors of the United States Geological Survey and stands as one of the outstanding feats of Jefferson's administration. Throughout his governmental career Jefferson never lost an opportunity to promote scientific inquiry. His strict construction of the Constitution and narrow views upon the subject of state's rights never prevented him from using the authority and money of the Federal Government for the advancement of science. He recommended to Congress a coast survey to accurately chart he coast of America. This project later evolved into the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. His expert testimony before Congress, also led to the establishment of the Naval Observatory and the Hydrographic Office. Jefferson's report to Congress on a plan of coinage and weights and measures based on the decimal system was expanded into the national Bureau of Standards. As Secretary of State, Jefferson was also the head of the Patent Office. He laid the cornerstone of our patent system and patent laws. He is considered to be the father of the Patent Office. He took pride in this duty and personal consideration to every application for a patent that was filed between 1790 and 1793. Jefferson, an inventor himself never applied for a patent, which was consistent in his belief in the natural right of all mankind to share useful improvements without restrain.
在他任职期间,大多数专利申请都被拒绝了。只有67项专利获得批准,其中一项是伊莱·惠特尼的轧棉机专利。杰斐逊的热情,特别是在他担任总统期间,是使人们认识到科学价值的一个最重要的因素。他对古生物学的兴趣使它成为一项受人尊敬的研究,他在很大程度上负责为它的发展收集材料。杰弗逊对化石感兴趣的最早迹象之一可以在他的化石中找到关于弗吉尼亚州的笔记。这是他最令人印象深刻的科学成就,他记录了他对植物群、动物群、山脉、河流、气候、人口、法律、政治、经济、农业、制造业、伦理、宗教、习俗和他所在州的印第安人的观察。如果他没有获得作为政治家的声誉,他作为科学家仍然会被人们记住,如果不是因为其他原因,而只是因为在笔记笔记是第一本在美国各地出版的综合性论文。它是政府现在发布的报告的前身。笔记1780年,法国驻美国公使馆秘书巴贝-马布瓦侯爵转交给杰斐逊的一份问卷。法国站在美国一边参加了战争,他们寻求有关他们新盟友的地理、气候、人口、资源和习俗的信息。这个请求是在杰斐逊不太成功的弗吉尼亚战时州长任期快结束时提出的。接到请求后,他认真考虑辞去州长职务,全身心投入到这项工程中去。杰斐逊曾计划笔记基本上是对弗吉尼亚的统计调查;相反,这本书逐渐发展成为对美国生活和历史许多方面的精彩而有启发性的评论。在这部作品中,杰弗逊从简单的描述到科学的解释,再到对他的祖国的生动、雄辩的文学描绘。杰斐逊长期以来对印第安人很感兴趣。他探索了印第安人的土丘,并对印度词汇进行了广泛的比较研究。不幸的是,这项工作失败了。当他在总统任期结束后离开华盛顿时,研究报告被打包,用船运走。船夫想当然地认为,前总统会带着数不清的财富从办公室回来。根据箱子的重量,他猜想箱子里装的是金银财宝。书房被吹得无影无踪了。尽管如此,他的工作还是为他赢得了美国第一批人类学家的称号。 In笔记杰斐逊详细描述了他家乡的农业。这对杰斐逊来说并不罕见,因为他认为美国是造物主设计成农业国家的。他相信在美国历史上,受过教育的自耕农将成为美国的主要人口。正因为如此,农业是他最大的科学兴趣之一,除了他自己的经济依赖于他的农场产生的收入。在他的一生中,杰斐逊对农业进行了大量的研究,包括作物轮作、土壤耕作、动物饲养、虫害控制、农具和改良种子。杰斐逊说:“对任何国家来说,最大的贡献就是在其文化中添加一种有用的植物。”(Bennett, 1944)他从国外进口植物和树木,并尝试在Monticello种植橄榄、橘子、杏仁和法国葡萄。他是如此渴望改善他的国家的农业,以至于当法国部长时,他违反了法律,亲自从意大利走私大米。这一小部分种子成为了南卡罗莱纳水稻产业的基础。此外,在1784-89年担任法国公使期间,他观察了欧洲在科学、工业、农业和教育方面的发展。 An Englishman wrote of him: 'he was always on the lookout for new ideas to send home" (Bennett, 1944). While in Europe he endeavored to discover the secrets of the French perfume industry, hoping to import the art to America. He was the first American to report on James Watt's steam engine. He introduced to America the threshing machine. While in Paris he studied balloon ascensions and wrote several papers on was he called the "aeronautical art". During this time he kept four colleges in the United States advised of all new inventions and discoveries. Jefferson undertook these extra duties because he felt that science was the most certain means of advancing social progress and human happiness. Science, to Jefferson, was an extension, a tool, to help bring about his enlightened political philosophy and a way in which to lead his life. He, personally, saw himself not as Thomas Jefferson the lawyer or farmer or statesman, but as Thomas Jefferson the scientist. He wrote upon his retirement: "Nature intended me for the tranquil pursuits of science, by rendering them my supreme delight" (Benson, 1971).

