
大卫·d·布里克(David D. Bricker)著在1806年夏天俄亥俄州哥伦比亚纳县米德尔顿镇的彼得·杨(Peter Young)见到了他的第一个印第安人。毕竟,这是十多年前倒下的木材之战的条约格林维尔以俄亥俄州东部和西部宾夕法尼亚州东部终止了印度袭击事件.Young描述了令人惊讶的事件,通过说明,
年轻人目睹了一个家庭团聚,它在宾夕法尼亚州西部边界西部的小海狸溪的小海狸溪的羽毛宅基地上带来了一群二十五英里的印第安人。乔治生活在一个土地赠款,这是他在1790 - 94年的印度战争中作为间谍的服务的奖励。印度访问是一个提醒人们,宾夕法尼亚州并不总是他的家。他在俄亥俄州南部的桑斯基河畔沿着华盛顿州,宾夕法尼亚州,弗吉尼亚州尤科尼亚县的田园县岸边花了几乎很多时间。他在俄亥俄州的一生于1780年3月20日开始,在十一岁时。这是俄亥俄州河谷的痛苦战时。当乔治近六岁时,福克斯家族进入了这个战区。白人和印度人参与互相杀戮,远远超过内部战争后边界战争中死亡的人。他将成为森林战争的受害者;但与估计的十二千名死亡,乔治·福克斯幸存下来。 The life he led after he escaped, made him either a frontier hero or villain. It depends on one's perspective of property as a prerequisite to happiness. The Proclamation of 1763 established the Appalachians as a boundary for white settlers. It could not be enforced by the British. The Treaty of Fort Stanwix in 1768 proclaimed the Ohio River as the new barrier separating Indians from whites. With help from Lord Dunmore of Virginia, who encouraged settlers to defy the treaty, land-hungry hordes were invading land that the Ohio Indians thought was off limits to whites. Murder, mutilation, missing people and kidnapping became common occurrences from the 1770's to 1794 along the Ohio River and its tributaries.印第安人服用头皮福克斯一家也加入了这个场景。1774年,他们从弗吉尼亚州的利斯堡搬到了弗吉尼亚州的Yohogania县(或宾夕法尼亚州的Westmoreland县)。宾夕法尼亚和维吉尼亚的殖民地都声称拥有被称为“兄弟情谊”的土地所在的同一块领土。如今,这处房产位于宾夕法尼亚州比弗县。直到1800年才出现。土地争端在1781年得到解决。成了他们在浣熊溪支流拉雷登溪的财产所在地。这是一个冒险的举动,但陆地在召唤着我。


乔治十岁时失去了父亲。威廉在1779年在Raredon跑的丘陵地形上努力工作的同时死于心力故障。他的妻子安妮被南希众所周知,有五个孩子。在许多情况下,那些失去配偶的人会见并再婚。她的第二个丈夫是威廉·塔克,他们住在蒙特尔山上的蒙古特北部北斗格镇,阿勒格纳尼郡,乔治,他的母亲和兄弟姐妹在他们的四百英亩叫做“草莓田”的塔克家族中搬进来。威廉,刘易斯和波利塔克在年龄段非常接近老年羽毛儿童。John Foulkes是18岁,伊丽莎白是15岁,乔治是11个。在毗邻的财产上是特纳农场被称为“避难所”。在1780年3月,这些家庭经历了恐怖的前沿存在...印度攻击!Foulkes对Raredon的索赔距离Tucker物业仅为六到七英里。距离奔跑的嘴巴附近的数百朵枫树靠近,在现在的一天独立于TWP。,Beaver County,Pa。这将是一个传统的十一个羽毛,塔克和特纳儿童的冒险年龄从十一个到二十个。 On the practical side, tapping trees was the only way to satisfy your "sweet tooth" in frontier days. On Saturday, March 19, 1780, a band of Wyandot Indians crossed the Ohio River near present day Shippingport, Beaver Co., Pennsylvania. These Indians were from the village of the Wyandot Chief known as Half-King by the British. Since the English King was the "Full-Kingî, the British used this title on occasion for some important tribal leaders. His Wyandot name was Dunquat, but he was more commonly known by the name that the neighboring Delaware tribe called him: Pomoacan. When the Indians came upon the sugar camp, the young men were armed and firing at targets carved into trees. The warriors hid themselves on a tree covered hill three hundred yards away from the camp, where they watched and waited.


晚饭后,大一点的孩子们把毯子放在一个斜靠的地方。年纪较小的孩子们在火和避难所之间铺开毯子。约翰·福克斯决定另谋出路。他爬到一个打翻的干净的糖槽下,希望这样能让他睡个安稳觉。他的白狗金格就睡在主人身边。在那个月光下的夜晚,大约11点左右,约翰被狗的叫声和尖叫声吵醒。他往外瞥了一眼,看见印第安人在向斜屋檐下的年轻人叫卖。他知道如果被找到,下一个就会是他。他站了起来,朝100码外的雷登跑去。他狂吠的狗和他一起向安全的地方冲去。 Because his dog was running right at his feet, he kept looking down trying not to step on Ginger. It caused him to stumble and fall since he could not keep concentrating on the undulating terrain. John was caught and killed. His curly black hair was removed as was the custom by both frontier whites and Indians in this struggle for the Ohio River Valley. The younger children were captured. George had tried to run, but the pipe end of a tomahawk was brought down upon his head creating a laceration and a state of semi-consciousness. When he came to his senses, he saw the Indians had taken scalps. He recognized his older brother's. The others belonged to the three Turner boys and to his step-brother John Tucker. The Indians marched the six younger children down to the mouth of Pegg's Run, opposite the present town of Midland, Beaver Co., Pennsylvania, where they had hidden canoes. Crossing the Ohio River, the Indians and their hostages found the hobbled horses and departed for the Sandusky River villages of central Ohio, where the Wyandot tribe had migrated after splitting away from the Hurons living on the north shore of Lake Erie. George's bleeding head wound made him very weak. The Indians would only let the girls ride which meant George had to walk. Elizabeth would occasionally get off her horse and let her brother ride. The Indians would not allow this for any length of time. This was his test of strength. After three days on the trail, his wound was cleaned when they arrived at a village known as Snips Town in the vicinity of Rome, Richland Co., Ohio today. They cleaned his wound with slippery elm bark and bear's oil. The wound healed, but the scar remained noticeable for the rest of his life.


伊丽莎白和詹姆斯·特纳,路易斯和波莉·塔克,伊丽莎白和乔治·福克斯现在开始了白人俘虏的生活。回到宾夕法尼亚州的糖营,五名死去的年轻人的尸体被发现并一起埋葬在法兰克福泉,现在在宾夕法尼亚州的比弗公司。他们名字的首字母被刻在附近一棵现已消失的橡树上。乔治很快就适应了乡村生活。他被一个家庭收养,在这个家庭里,他被脱光了衣服,涉入桑达斯基河,并用河里的鹅卵石清洗他的身体。这种清洗仪式是由他新家庭的女性进行的。他从雄性那里学会了追踪和捕猎的技巧。他青年时代的大部分时间都在探索新世界的风景。乔治学会了怀恩多特语和其他印第安语。他经历了天花在部落中传播的影响。 His adopted father used a naturalistic way of innoculating his wigwam. He caught a couple of live skunks and would daily move them around so they would spray their horrific odor to shield his family from the pox. George avoided death from disease, but narrowly escaped his demise at the hands of Pomoacan, the Half-King. The chief was filled with rage when he learned that two of his three sons died at the hands of the Poe brothers, famous Western Pennsylvania frontiersmen. He vowed revenge; however, he was unable to take it out on his first choice, Moravian Missionaries Heckewelder and Zeisberger since they had been taken from the Sandusky area to the British fort at Detroit for being pro-U.S. spies during the Revolution. Instead, Pomoacan ordered the death of white captives in his village. Seven perished! An Indian maiden begged him to spare the life of George. Her appeal worked, and eventually he married a Wyandot woman. According to the famous Indian fighter Andrew Poe, George married the girl who saved his life. There is no record of George confirming this. Her name is unknown.


尽管乔治已经沉浸在怀恩多特的生活方式中,他还是决定在1791年逃回白人文明。十有八九,他已经得出结论,他无法对抗白人侵略者。在他成为俘虏后不久,他就在附近,来自宾夕法尼亚州康奈尔斯维尔附近地区的威廉·克劳福德上校。他领导了一支由宾夕法尼亚州华盛顿县组成的志愿军。他们摧毁了桑达斯基河沿岸的印第安村庄。桑达斯基战役发生在现在的上桑达斯基镇以北两英里的怀恩多特县。1782年6月11日,与乔治一起在糖营被捕的伊丽莎白·特纳亲眼目睹了克劳福德遭受的酷刑。这次行动的地点是由特拉华印第安人,具体由霍波肯(Pipe船长)命令,现在确定在克劳福德纪念碑西南600英尺,在克劳福德村以东半英里,俄亥俄州威恩多特公司。派普是在为宾夕法尼亚州发生的两起暴力事件进行报复。第一次是斯阔战役(Squaw Campaign)。1774年,来自皮特堡(Fort Pitt)的军队袭击了一个妇女、儿童和老人居住的村庄,派普在那里杀死了他的兄弟,让他的母亲受伤。 Crawford was part of the attacking army led by General Hand. The second was the infamous slaughter of the Christian Delaware Indians at Gnadenhutten, a Moravian settlement eleven miles south of the town of New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Co., Ohio. This massacre was carried out by one hundred Washington Co., Pa. militia. Ninety-six Indians died. These soldiers were led by Colonel David Williamson. Two months after Gnadenhutten, Williamson was back in Ohio as the second in command to Crawford as another Washington Co., Pa. militia of over five hundred troops marched on the Sandusky villages in June of 1782. Crawford was captured and subjected to a most excruciatingly painful death. Pipe got his revenge. Williamson, who was most wanted by the Indians, escaped and later became a Sheriff in Washington County. Crawford became a martyred hero with counties, towns, and monuments named in his honor.




乔治找到了俄亥俄河的北岸,在那里阿勒格尼塞威克利公司。今天,是。他穿着印第安人的衣服,向河对岸大喊以引起注意。两个女孩,夏洛特和凯瑟琳·乌勒里望着100码宽的河,看到了一个印第安人。这是让他们被捕的阴谋吗?这是一个逃跑并需要帮助的白人吗?夏洛蒂说服母亲让她过去调查一下。凯瑟琳也去了。女孩们曾多次乘船过河。乌勒里家族在进入俄亥俄的纳罗斯河口和索恩河口之间建立了轮渡服务。夏洛特和她的妹妹在岸上询问这个陌生人,乔治说服了他们,他在被囚禁多年后正在回家的路上。 Trying to adapt to the life of a farmer was difficult after living in a society where women did most of the planting and harvesting. It was culture shock to return to the white man's environment. George was glad to see his family again, but he was restless. The only thing that broke up the monotony was the courting of Catherine Ullery. Luckily for George, the United States military was in need of individuals who had the talents that George had acquired as an Indian captive. The new nation was licking its wounds after humiliating defeats at the hands of the tribes of the Northwest Territory. General Josiah Harmar, a Philadelphian, was defeated in his attempt to end Indian attacks on the frontier. This was followed by the worst defeat in the military history of the U.S. Army by Indians, when General Arthur St.Clair, of Westmoreland. Co., Pa. led his troops to slaughter in extreme western Ohio, just miles from Indiana. If the next attempt to defeat the Indians were to succeed, it would be because of better training, leadership, supplies, and intelligence from spies in enemy territory. It would require the most highly skilled trackers and fighters. He knew the dangers. Would he ever see Katy Ullery again? At this point in his life, he was not ready to settle down.


乔治由酋长指挥官任命,成为华盛顿县在美国服务的间谍成员。年度1792-96岁将被证明更令人兴奋,而不是作为农民。他在山姆布拉迪船长的游侠上度过了很多时间。印度人在1790年上半年努力努力,以保持俄亥俄州河的华人东部和南部。他们正忙着劝阻白色入侵者在俄亥俄州东部的河流交通和监视器频繁攻击。乔治很快发现印第安人,因为他和其他间谍覆盖了当今的一个地区Beaver Co.,Pa。到俄亥俄州哈里森有限公司,通常不到俄亥俄州河边四十英里。即使是多年的经历也无法保持羽毛和他的间谍乐队被印度​​人惊讶。发生这种情况时,它被杀死或被杀死。在侦察探险期间,乔治射杀了一个突然出现并瞄准间谍的印度人。虽然其他人跑到掩护,但乔治发现印度人他拍摄仍然呼吸。 He finished him off with a tomahawk blow to the head, then he took his scalp. Moving north on the Indian Fork out of Hagerstown, Carroll Co., Ohio, Foulkes and his band of spies ran into "a weird figure, half naked with long black hair, feet unshod, and a few tattered rags covering his body." As the scouts moved closer with rifles ready, they were about to meet Johnny Chapman before he became a folk hero named Appleseed. It would take a few more years of planting seeds before that moniker was known. This eccentric abhorred all animal food and was never known to kill any living creature. He was friendly and invited the spies to camp with him. With the August, 1794 victory over the Indians at Fallen Timbers on the Maumee River in northwestern Ohio, General Wayne had removed the threat of Indian attack in the Ohio Country. The need for spies was over. It was time to entertain thoughts of a wife and property. George had seen Katy Ullery on occasion during his years as a spy. Now he would re-establish his courtship. He knew there was land on Raredon's Run, so he could continue life as a farmer like his own father. Just when his plans seemed firm, the announcement was made that the government was going to give land to those individuals who helped drive out the Indians. The land in question was north and west of the Ohio River. George was very familiar with this wilderness and knew the land he wanted. He received a land grant next to the North Fork of the Little Beaver Creek, three miles west of Darlington, Pennsylvania, Beaver County. This property is now on Cannelton Road in South Beaver Township.




Josephine L. Harpers指南指南,1983年威斯康星州国家历史学会。 莱曼·c·德雷柏手稿,威斯康辛州历史学会。 e系列:Samuel Brady和Lewis Wetzel,2,4,6卷。 S系列:德雷柏笔记卷16、17、19、22。 U辑:边境战争文件,第11卷。 NN系列:匹兹堡和西北弗吉尼亚州,卷8,9。 YY系列:特库姆塞论文第11卷。 Rev.Parker B.宾夕法尼亚州西部古古杂志的Brown文章 “重建克劳福德1782年的军队”,1982年1月第17-36页。 “在桑普斯基战役之后的印第安人在1782年”1982年10月“第323-339页之后,印第安人捕获的克劳福德志愿者的命运。 桑达斯基之战:1782年6月4-6日,1982年4月,115-151页。 “寻找William Crawford烧伤网站;一个调查报告”,1985年1月第43-66页