
Lafayette, Pulaski伯爵和星条旗在Moland House的Neshaminy营地的13天里加入了美国革命



Lafayette, Pulaski伯爵和星条旗在Moland House的Neshaminy营地的13天里加入了美国革命


在大多数关于革命的历史中,奈沙米尼营地很快就被掩盖了。事实上,它持续了13天,从1777年8月10日到23日,是宾夕法尼亚第三长的营地,仅次于白泽什和福吉谷。此外,这是Layfayette正式上任的地方,也是Pulaski伯爵被介绍到华盛顿的地方,据说也是Betsy Ross的国旗第一次飘扬的地方。




在整个战争期间,总司令从来没有像此时这样困惑和沮丧过,因为他找不到敌人的位置。7月25日,他接到通知说,停泊在纽约港的英国舰队已经启航——但它的目的地是哪里?豪将军是向北前往新英格兰还是向南前往费城?华盛顿当时在新泽西州莫里斯敦附近扎营,根据舰队开往费城的“猜想”,他已经启动了军队,前往科耶尔渡口(现在的新希望)对面的特拉华河岸,等待进一步的消息。7月30日,一名信使抵达,报告说英国舰队在特拉华湾附近被发现,华盛顿决定继续向特拉华市前进。七月的最后一天,士兵们被摆渡过河,沿着约克路前进。他们中的一些人直接进军日耳曼敦,但麦克迈克尔中尉在日记中写道,他的团“经过博格特酒馆”(现在是白金汉的格林将军客栈),并在当晚“晚上7点在沃里克镇的十字路口”扎营。第二天早上(8月1日),他们继续向城市前进,没有想到他们会在一个多星期后回到同一个地点。他们穿过了歪堡(现在的哈特伯勒),当天晚上到达了日耳曼镇附近的舒基尔瀑布上方的“平原”。他们在这里扎营,华盛顿则视察费城的防御工事,并与国会协商。 He also attended a dinner given in his honor, where he was introduced to the Marquis de Lafayette, who had recently arrived in the city. On the 8th Washington held a "grand review" of the troops. Lafayette also witnessed the review - his first sight of the American troops he was soon to join. Shortly the order was given to retrace their steps to Coryell's Ferry. Washington felt the location on the Delaware had the advantage of being close enough to protect Philadelphia as well as providing a head start toward the north, if that should prove to be Howe's aim. In any event, he wanted the troops pulled away from the city, because it afforded a temptation to both officers and men to "indulge themselves in licenses inconsistent with discipline and order, and consequently of a injurious tendency.". On the morning of the 10th they reached the Cross Roads (Hartsville), where they encamped at 6 P.M. Washington and his aides, meanwhile, galloped direct from Germantown. His party consisted of 27 men. Judging from the handwriting that appeared on the dispatches of the next two weeks, the officers included Alexander Hamilton, Richard Kidder Meade, Robert Hanson Harrison, Tench Tilghman, John Fitzgerald, Caleb Gibbs, and John Laurens.






在政治上,这个地区是理想的。周围乡村的人口几乎全是“苏格兰-爱尔兰人”,这主要归功于不到半英里外的内沙米尼-沃里克长老会教堂(Neshaminy-Warwick Presbyterian Church),该教堂自1726年成立以来一直吸引着这一群体。在殖民地的所有少数民族中,“苏格兰-爱尔兰人”(他们通常被这样称呼,如果不准确的话)既没有托利党人,也没有和平主义者。他们是战斗家族的后裔,在南部和东部不战斗的贵格会信徒周围形成了一道防线。这些人就是向殖民者开放他们的农舍和田地的人。毫无疑问,在十三天的战斗结束时,他们的爱国心已经有点紧张了。


不幸的是,当时很少有关于该地区的当代描述。“苏格兰-爱尔兰人”不像他们的贵格会邻居那样关心记录(财务记录是另一回事!)七年后的1784年,一项人口普查显示,沃里克镇(后来一直延伸到多伊尔斯敦)有609名白人,27名“黑人和奴隶”。当华盛顿在那里露营时,十字路口地区确实拥有三种设施(除了学校),在他的信件中特别提到:教堂,酒馆和磨坊,所有这些都还在。内沙米尼-沃里克教堂在小溪下游半英里处。纳撒尼尔·欧文(Nathaniel Irwin)是当时的牧师,和他的大多数信徒一样,他是一个热情的爱国者。早在1744年,十字路口就有了一家酒馆。从费城出发,在前往纽约的路上,只需要一天的车程,这里是旅行者的理想停留点。到1777年,四个角落都有了房子,酒馆执照在十字路口来回跳跃了很多次。哈茨维尔酒店在20世纪60年代被拆除,为一个加油站让路,人们普遍认为它就是野营期间通信中提到的酒馆。 However, a recent sudy of deeds and licenses reveals that Davis and Buck were correct when they said that in 1777 the tavern was "on the northwest corner, opposite the present one", and is, therefore, still standing. Furthernore, the tavern keeper was probably Adam Kerr, for four years later his petition for a license to "retail liquors by small measure" states that he has kept a "house of Publick Entertainment at the Crossroads...for several years past." The mill stands just south of the Bridge. In 1777 its owner was a non-resident, John Campbell, a Philadelphia merchant. Like other city dwellers, Campbell may have invested in real estate in the country as a precaution against British occupation of the city. Two years later hs sold the mill to George Miller, and it is tempting to speculate that Miller was operating it during the encampment, for one of Washington's orders commands a guard to be posted "over Mr. Miller's Oats, to consist of a Serjt and 10 men."



Peter Brunner摄

莫兰家的北面。这是乔治·华盛顿进门的门,因为这是离老约克路最近的门。1777年,这是费城和纽约之间的主要道路。Peter Brunner摄
在桥的北面稍远的地方,就是华盛顿设立总部的莫兰宅邸。历史学家威廉·j·巴克(William J. Buck)在关于奈沙米尼营地的第一篇文章中描述了这座房子。W.W.H.戴维斯在他的第二版《巴克斯郡史》(1905)中有这样一段描述:“华盛顿住在约翰·莫兰的农舍里,莫兰后来去世了。”他称它为“坚固的石头住宅……他接着说:和华盛顿占领它时一样,主楼的一层被分成两个房间,入口靠近厨房;较大的房间在南面(西面),从门廊进入,较小的房间在后面。后者被认为是华盛顿的办公室,大一点的是接待室。每个房间都有一个敞开的壁炉,然后像现在一样,有一扇门通向厨房。60年来门廊一直没有变化,1777年到178年可能也有类似的变化。巴克声称,这是独立战争时期“社区里完工最好的房子”。 Considering the fact that many structures in the mid-18th centry still consisted of one room downstairs and loft above, often built of logs, John Moland's stone house must have seemed palatial. John Moland was an important man in the province. Born in London about 1700, he studied law at the Inner Temple. Commissioned King's Attorney in Pennsylvania, he came here by way of the West Indies. The earliest record of him in this country is a deed of purchase in 1737, which refers to him as being "of the island of St. Christophers." The deed shows he bought 308 acres in Rockhill township in upper Bucks County from Thomas Freame, the husband of William Penn's daughter Margaret. About the same time he married Catherine Hutchinson, of New Castle, Delaware. In 1740 Moland petitioned the court in Newtown for admittance as attorney of the Court of Common Pleas, and was accepted "according to his request". During the next two decades his name appears in connection with cases before the Bucks County court, and several times he is referred to as "Justice." Sometime prior to 1742 he was admitted to the Philadelphia bar, and acquired a reputation of being one of its ablest members.


1777年8月10日,一个炎热的星期天晚上,当华盛顿在莫兰寡妇的家里安顿下来的时候,军队正在乡间各处搭起帐篷。穿过老约克路是格林将军的总部。巴克说,所有给军队的命令都是在这里张贴的,这里是鞭笞柱,而附近是邮局。往东不远的布里斯托尔路,后来归乔治·贾米森少校所有的农场里,驻扎着斯特灵勋爵的师。在斯特灵师对面的布里斯托尔路上,康威将军的宾西法尼亚旅驻扎在那里,这里也放牧和屠宰牛供军队使用。今年夏天早些时候,华盛顿下令,所有营地的屠宰栏都要放置在远离士兵们计划使用的溪流的地方,“内脏”每天埋一次——只够提取润滑枪栓的油。尽管那个星期天的晚上,当部队到达十字路口时已经很晚了,但根据穆伦伯格将军的《军令手册》,第一批下达的命令中有一条是:“由于我们还不能确定在目前的营地还要呆多久,士兵们必须在帐篷前面搭好帐篷,以躲避炎热。Qr。主人应立即作出指示,在适当方便的地方挖金库(厕所)....”这些“拱顶”要用“弓和灌木”伪装起来,排成一列,直到营地后方。 The men were reminded that at their previous encampment there had been complaints that the "Offensive smells" had become a "public nusence." Each brigade also set up its own bake oven which "by men that can understand it can be erected in a few hours". Bread baked in this way, the General claimed, would be "wholesomer than the sodden cakes which are by too commonly used." Although the flour turned out at the mill was fresh-ground, the bread that resulted in 1777 was hardly gourmet fare. Two weeks later Washington insisted that the Commissaries "supply the troops with hard bread. The present most common mode of supply, by issuing flour which they make into bad bread, not only injures their health, but is attended with delays sufficient to frustrate the most important, and well-formed enterprises." The soldiers were issued 5 ounces of soap a week. Washington was a stickler for cleanliness, urging that the men appear "decent and clean." Orders issued earlier in the summer cautioned about bathing "in the heat of the day," and warned them not to "stay long in the water at a time." However, he assured them that "bathing themselves moderately and washing their clothes are of infinite service." This concern led, of course, to the amusing legend that the general could be seen washing his own clothes in the Neshaminy.


华盛顿在这十三天内处理的问题是非常广泛的。8月11日,他抵达后的第二天早晨,他似乎已经察觉到士兵们在炎热潮湿的环境下士气低落,因为第一批下达的命令中有一项对他们在日耳曼敦营地的行为表示了“赞许”:他几乎没有听到关于栅栏损坏的抱怨。尽管,正如一位历史学家所说,这种“不同寻常的道德”可能是由于炎热的天气(这阻碍了柴火的欲望),但这位将军相信,通过军官们“不厌其累的行为”和“士兵们的良好性格”,未来的虐待将会避免。随后又向总督察下达命令,要在营地里提供并保存“烈性酒”,“根据紧急情况需要”发给士兵。当时酒的价格很高,主要是因为卖酒给军队的酒商赚取了高额利润。因此,华盛顿还下令从每个团中招募一个军官委员会,调查应该使军售者满意的价格,并报告他们的调查结果。然后,注意力转向逃兵问题。报告应立即送交准将,以便追捕罪犯并将其绳之以法。就连马也来了。穆伦伯格将军在《骑兵手册》中继续写道:“许多轻骑兵由于骑手的极度粗心大意和肆意妄为而失去了速度,”“总司令明确命令,骑兵兵团的非指挥官或士兵不得上马,除非执勤,否则不得跳跃或疾驰,除非在军官的指挥下训练。” Gen. Conway's brigade was ordered to fire their blank cartridges at 5 P.M. "in the way of exersise." All marching, parading, and exercising was to be done after the heat of the day. Before the day was over, John Dyer, of Dyerstown (just north of Doylestown) visited the camp. His journal entry reads: "I saw the American army Encamped near or at the Cross Roads; consisting of about 18,000 men in Bucks County." (Lafayette's estimate of 11,000 is generally considered more accurate.) On Tuesday, August 12th, the orders continued to pour forth from the Moland house. Among others, the Major Generals were commanded to fit up as many armories as were required to keep the arms of their troops in repair, with one or two traveling forges to accompany each division. By the 13th, the people from the neighboring countryside began to appear at the camp with fresh vegetables. This pleased the Commander-in-Chief, because, as he had said earlier in the summer, "Nothing can be more comfortable and wholesome than vegetables, [and] every encouragement is to be given to the country people to bring them in, the least insult to them will be severly punished." Fortunately for the inhabitants of Warwick, the soldiers were on their best behavior, for Henry Laurens wrote his father that "we hear very few complaints from those immediately about us of the violation of private property." At the end of the day Col. Pickering could not resist a few comments about the Bucks County weather. "Such continual melting hot weather," he complained, "is unknown in new England. We...had frequent showers of rain and this day some severe thunder."


那天是8月16日,星期六,仍然没有英国人下落的消息;因此,华盛顿将注意力转向纽约州的战斗。在给帕特南将军的公报中,他写道,他将派遣摩根上校的步枪兵团协助北方军队对抗印第安人,因为他们将“以自己的方式与他们作战”。作为军事战略家,他补充说:“摩根的部队真正的兵力是500人,但如果你公布的人数是这个数字的两倍,那就很好了。”然后,假定难以捉摸的敌人很快就会被发现,便贴出了一份长期存在的规章制度的清单。出发的顺序是精心制定的,先驱者和工匠们先去“修理道路,清除任何可能妨碍行军路线的障碍。”当天晚上6点,两个“清醒、诚实、会讲法语的小伙子”将被派往总部——“如果能找到这样的人的话”。显然,这个晚上要用来讨论法国工程师的防御工事。华盛顿和他的工作人员在莫兰家工作了很长时间,从黎明开始,经常到午夜之后才结束。1777年8月17日是星期天。 Washington had been at the Crossroads nearly a week. Gen. Green wrote Gen. Varnum: "Our situation is not a little awkward - buried in the country, out of hearing of the enemy. His excellency is exceedingly impatient; but it is said, if Philadelphia is lost, all, all is ruined." To add to the discomfort of the troops, there had been heavy rains, causing the creek to rise and the ground to become saturated. To help counteract the dampness, Washington issued the following General Orders: "The ground being very wet, the Quarter Master General is to procure as much straw (from which the grain has been threshed) as possible, and distribute the same in the most equal manner among the troops....A gill of rum, or other spirit is to be issued to-day, to each non-commissioned officer, soldier and waggoner." It was Monday, August 18, and still no word of a sighting of the British fleet. Although preoccupied with Indians in New York, Congress in Philadelphia, enthusiastic would-be Major Generals in Paris, and unhealthy humidity along the Neshaminy, Washington took the time to acknowledge receipt of a treatise on war which had been sent him for comment, and to congratulate a young man on his intended marriage.




包括巴克在内的一些历史学家认为,拉斐特早在此之前就已抵达营地,带着一封给国会的信短暂返回费城。无论如何,他19日抵达的消息得到了皮克林上校的证实:“最近将军家里又多了一个人,他就是法国第一大家族之一的拉斐特侯爵……一位举止谦和的年轻绅士,拥有巨大的财富,一个和平的国家,还有一位妻子....”拉斐特和他的助手们住在哪里只是一种猜测。按照邻里的传统,他们被安置在教堂对面的一座石头农舍里。甚至在1912年,邻近的洛格学院集会客栈(以前是老坦恩特学校)还发行了一本小册子,宣传租用“据说华盛顿曾是这里的客人,拉菲特曾是这里的总部”。如果拉斐特能听到一个半世纪后这座房子的名字,他的英语一定会受到挑战:“三棵大树下的alta - vista -by-the- edge -the -the-Wood”(原文如此)!


现在是8月20日,营地的第十天。垃圾开始堆积,营地里的有色人种被命令将其掩埋。敌人舰队的可靠消息已经两个星期没有了,从士兵到将军,每个人都在八月令人压抑的潮湿中感到不安。第二天早上,华盛顿在莫兰家的会客室召集了一次战争会议。出席会议的除了总司令外,还有格林少将、斯特灵少将、斯蒂芬少将和拉斐特少将。麦克斯韦、诺克斯、韦恩、穆伦伯格、威登、伍德福德、斯科特和康威准将。这是拉斐特首次出现在决策小组中。委员会的结论是,豪可能正在计划袭击查尔斯顿,而由于美国人不可能及时赶到保护查尔斯顿,他们应该立即前往北哈德逊河,要么试图袭击纽约,要么攻击伯格恩将军。无论哪一种情况的成功都将有助于抵消南方的损失。当天下午,汉米森上校把委员会的审议结果和结论的副本交给了国会,他被命令“把他们的意见的结果带回来”。 In a postscript the General added: "That I may not appear inconsistent to advise and to act, before I obtain an Opinion, I beg leave to mention that I shall move the Army to the Delaware, tomorrow Morning, to change their Ground at any rate, as their present Encampment begins to be disagreeable and would injure their Health in a short time. Our forage also begins to grow scarce here." The Warwick countryside was beginning to feel the effects of supporting 11,000 men and their horses. At 3 P.M. the afternoon of the 21st young Col. Hamilton dashed into the hall of Congress with Washington's report. After reading it, Congress adjourned for two hours. By a strange coincidence, only that morning word had been received in Philadelphia that the British fleet of "upwards of one hundred sail" had been seen the night of the 14th in the Chesapeake Bay. This intelligence had been immediately forwarded to Washington, but the courier must have passed Hamilton en route. Since no further news of the fleet had been received during the day, when Congress reassembled at 5 P.M. that evening it passed a resolution approving Washington's plan, and giving him permission to act "as circumstances require." Meanwhile Washington instigated preparations to march towards Coryell's Ferry. In settling the accounts, a bill was paid for butter, potatoes, cucumbers, beets, cabbage, milk, chickens, a large "foul", eggs and "sower milk" - all listed as "Articles had of the Woman at Whose house the Gen. Lived at Cross Roads." Certainly the widow Moland could use the money!


在那个忙碌的日子里,总部来了一位重要的客人。普拉斯基伯爵在莫兰家收到了本杰明·富兰克林的一封信,信中介绍他是一位“品德和军事才能”的绅士。华盛顿注意到普拉斯基“应本人要求,从我这里接过这封介绍信”,派他去见汉考克总统和乔治·克莱默。普拉斯基的到来也受到了拉法耶特的欢迎,因为他带来了侯爵六月离开法国后收到的第一封妻子埃德里安娜的信。他们有一个孩子,叫亨丽埃特,又要生第二个了。所以年轻人渴望得到消息。尽管8月21日是十三天中最有趣的一天,有战争会议,有普拉斯基的引入,也有行军的准备,但它以虎头蛇尾的方式结束了。当来自国会的信使最终带来了在切萨皮克发现舰队的消息时,华盛顿谨慎地决定取消他的行军命令。他向国会转递了另一份公报:“今天上午,我与你们的这一时刻感到荣幸……因此,在我听到进一步的消息之前,我就停在我现在的地方了。”他不情愿地在莫兰家又住了一夜。 August 22nd dawned with no indication that by the end of the day the suspense would finally be over. The Brigadiers and officers were ordered to assemble the next morning at 9 A.M. "at the tavern by the cross roads, to consider of the reports made to them relative to the prices of liquors sold by the sutlers." The tavern keeper, Adam Kerr, could hardly have resisted eavesdropping, when he heard the subject under discussion! In the meantime word was received that morning in Philadephia that the fleet had again been sighted, this time "high up" in the northeast part of the Chesapeake. Obviously Gen. Howe intended to make a landing in Maryland, then march on the city. His "strange route," as Washington referred to it, had been caused by "contrary" winds. When this long-awaited news was relayed to the Neshaminy headquarters, the camp suddenly roused from its lethargy (even the sentinels had been sitting at their posts) and became a beehive of activity. Congress was informed that the army would march in the early morning toward Philadelphia, then continue south, where it would be joined by other units. In the midst of the bustle of breaking camp a messenger galloped in with news of Gen. Stark's victory at Bennington. An elated Washington immediately had a bulletin posted, informing the troops that their brothers-in-arms had behaved in a "very brave and heroic manner."


最后,军队接到命令,如果第二天不下雨,就按照前一天发布的命令行军。三十个人跟随在行李后面,“收拾所有掉队的人,确保病人不被忽视。”上午4点8月23日,美军主力开始撤出奈沙米尼营地。1.1万名衣衫褴褛的士兵,有些穿着从死者身上撕下来的英军制服,沿着约克路艰难地返回费城。他们手里拿着国会两个月前正式通过的“星条旗”,据说是第一次在这里展开。格林将军的师走在最前面,他们沿着小溪淌出泥泞的草地,经过格林的司令部、鞭笞所和在过去12天里一直张贴《总命令》的地方。他们被山上的军队和詹姆斯·华莱士的土地上的军队尾随。他们大步走过磨坊,然后爬上小斜坡,来到十字路口的小酒馆。斯特灵将军和康威将军的师从布里斯托尔路往东开进教堂,病人从教堂往西运走,把教堂空出来,等九点钟军事法庭开庭。 If Lafayette was indeed quartered across Meetinghouse Road from the church, he probably waited for Washington and his staff to leave the Moland house and cross the Neshaminy bridge for the last time. The inhabitants of Warwick and Warminster must have whistled the tune played by the fifers. Even Washington had admitted not long before that the local people "dread our halting among them even for a night, and are happy when they get rid of us." Before he left, Washington had one final duty to perform. An entry in his account book reads: "To cash paid Mrs. Moland for her furniture etc. - £5.5s." The last notation of August 23rd proves him the perfect guest: "To cash paid woman for Cleaning the Kitchen - £1.2s. 6P."