Common Core: 5th Grade Math : Number & Operations with Fractions

研究概念,例子问题&解释for Common Core: 5th Grade Math

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Example Questions

Example Question #3 :Solve Word Problems Involving Addition And Subtraction Of Fractions: Ccss.Math.Content.5.Nf.A.2

Laura ateof the ice cream and Drew ate. How much of the ice cream did they eat?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


In order to solve this problem, we first need to make common denominators.

Now that we have common denominators, we can add the fractions. Remember, when we add fractions, the denominator stays the same, we only add the numerator.

Example Question #81 :How To Add Fractions

Kara ateof the bag of chips and Andrew ate. How much of the bag of chips did they eat?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


In order to solve this problem, we first need to make common denominators.

Now that we have common denominators, we can add the fractions. Remember, when we add fractions, the denominator stays the same, we only add the numerator.

Example Question #11 :Solve Word Problems Involving Addition And Subtraction Of Fractions: Ccss.Math.Content.5.Nf.A.2

David ateof the pizza and Alison ateof the pizza. How much more of the pizza did Alison eat?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


In order to solve this problem, we first need to make common denominators.

Now that we have common denominators, we can subtract the fractions. Remember, when we subtract fractions, the denominator stays the same, we only subtract the numerator.

Example Question #1652 :Ssat Middle Level Quantitative (Math)

Shannon has paintedof the house and Dan has paintedof the house. How much more of the house has Shannon painted?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


In order to solve this problem, we first need to make common denominators.

Now that we have common denominators, we can subtract the fractions. Remember, when we subtract fractions, the denominator stays the same, we only subtract the numerator.

Example Question #12 :Solve Word Problems Involving Addition And Subtraction Of Fractions: Ccss.Math.Content.5.Nf.A.2

Tim mowedof the yard and Tom mowed. How much more of the yard did Tom mow?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


In order to solve this problem, we first need to make common denominators.

Now that we have common denominators, we can subtract the fractions. Remember, when we subtract fractions, the denominator stays the same, we only subtract the numerator.

Example Question #13 :Solve Word Problems Involving Addition And Subtraction Of Fractions: Ccss.Math.Content.5.Nf.A.2

Jessica ateof the cake and Megan ate. How much more of the cake did Megan eat?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


In order to solve this problem, we first need to make common denominators.

Now that we have common denominators, we can subtract the fractions. Remember, when we subtract fractions, the denominator stays the same, we only subtract the numerator.

Example Question #14 :Solve Word Problems Involving Addition And Subtraction Of Fractions: Ccss.Math.Content.5.Nf.A.2

Kara ateof the bag of chips and Andrew ate. How much more of the bag of chips did Kara eat?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


In order to solve this problem, we first need to make common denominators.

Now that we have common denominators, we can subtract the fractions. Remember, when we subtract fractions, the denominator stays the same, we only subtract the numerator.

Example Question #15 :Solve Word Problems Involving Addition And Subtraction Of Fractions: Ccss.Math.Content.5.Nf.A.2

Laura ateof the ice cream and Drew ate. How much more of the ice cream did Drew eat?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


In order to solve this problem, we first need to make common denominators.

Now that we have common denominators, we can subtract the fractions. Remember, when we subtract fractions, the denominator stays the same, we only subtract the numerator.

Example Question #16 :Solve Word Problems Involving Addition And Subtraction Of Fractions: Ccss.Math.Content.5.Nf.A.2

Joe paitedof the fence an Sara painted. How much more of the fence did Sara paint?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


In order to solve this problem, we first need to make common denominators.

Now that we have common denominators, we can subtract the fractions. Remember, when we subtract fractions, the denominator stays the same, we only subtract the numerator.

can be reduced be dividing both sides by.

Example Question #1651 :Ssat Middle Level Quantitative (Math)

Ben washedof the windows and Jen washedof them. How much more of the windows did Ben wash?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


In order to solve this problem, we first need to make common denominators.

Now that we have common denominators, we can subtract the fractions. Remember, when we subtract fractions, the denominator stays the same, we only subtract the numerator.

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