Common Core: 1st Grade English Language Arts : Understand Word Relationships and Meanings: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.1.5

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Example Questions

Example Question #9 :Define Words By Category And Attributes: Ccss.Ela Literacy.L.1.5.B

Lemonade is a ______ that is ______.

Possible Answers:

drink, warm

pie, round

animal, strong

beverage, sweet

Correct answer:

beverage, sweet


Lemonade is a ______. Looking at the choices, an airplane is a “beverage” but can also be a “drink”. Lemonade is not a “pie” or an “animal.” Next, let’s look at the second blank: That is ______. Based on the first blank being either “beverage” or “drink”, the second blank is either “sweet” or “warm”. Lemonade is not “warm”, so “sweet” is the correct answer for the second blank. The correct answer is beverage, sweet. Lemonade is a beverage that is sweet.

Example Question #10 :Define Words By Category And Attributes: Ccss.Ela Literacy.L.1.5.B

Dogs are ______ who ______.

Possible Answers:

animals, fly

houses, walk

pets, bark

decorations, eat

Correct answer:

pets, bark


Dogs are ______. Looking at the choices, an airplane is a “pets” but can also be “animals”. Dogs are not “decorations” or “houses.” Next, let’s look at the second blank: who ______. Based on the first blank being either “pets” or “animals”, the second blank is either “bark” or “fly”. Dogs do not “fly”, so “bark” is the correct answer for the second blank. The correct answer is pets, bark. Dogs are pets who bark.

Example Question #1 :Identify Real Life Connections Between Words And Their Uses: Ccss.Ela Literacy.L.1.5.C

A chair and a couch could both be used for what?

Possible Answers:





Correct answer:



A chair and a couch are both pieces of furniture that you could sit on.

You would not travel, hold, or run on a chair or a couch.

"Sitting" is the correct answer.

Example Question #2 :Identify Real Life Connections Between Words And Their Uses: Ccss.Ela Literacy.L.1.5.C

Chicken, noodles, and vegetables could all be used for what?

Possible Answers:





Correct answer:



Chicken, noodles, and vegetables could be used to make soup.

You would not travel or run with chicken, noodles, and vegetables. Also, you would not sit with chicken, noodles, and vegetables.

Example Question #3 :Identify Real Life Connections Between Words And Their Uses: Ccss.Ela Literacy.L.1.5.C

What do cars, trucks, and trains all have in common?

Possible Answers:

They are all the same color

They all have the same number of wheels

They are all ways to travel from one place to another

They are all the same shape

Correct answer:

They are all ways to travel from one place to another


They can all be any color and trains tend to have lots of wheels compared to cars that have four. But they’re all used for travel.

Example Question #4 :Identify Real Life Connections Between Words And Their Uses: Ccss.Ela Literacy.L.1.5.C

Crayons, markers, and colored pencils can all be used for what?

Possible Answers:





Correct answer:



You would not use crayons, markers, and colored pencils to cook, clean, and sing. You can use all three of them while coloring.

Example Question #5 :Identify Real Life Connections Between Words And Their Uses: Ccss.Ela Literacy.L.1.5.C

Lettuce, dressing, and croutons can all be used for what?

Possible Answers:

Making spaghetti

Making a cake

Making a salad

Making a smoothie

Correct answer:

Making a salad


While you can make a smoothie, spaghetti, and a cake you would not use lettuce, dressing, and croutons to make any of them. You would use lettuce, dressing, and croutons to make a salad.

Example Question #6 :Identify Real Life Connections Between Words And Their Uses: Ccss.Ela Literacy.L.1.5.C

Dirt, seeds, and a watering can are all used for what?

Possible Answers:

Planting a garden

Singing a song

Painting a picture

Watching a movie

Correct answer:

Planting a garden


While painting a picture, singing a song, and watching are all fun activities; dirt, seeds, and a watering can are best used for planting a garden.

Example Question #7 :Identify Real Life Connections Between Words And Their Uses: Ccss.Ela Literacy.L.1.5.C

Cake, candles, and balloons are all used for what?

Possible Answers:

Going boating

Having a birthday party

Going fishing

Going swimming

Correct answer:

Having a birthday party


A cake, candles, and balloons are all things you would have for a birthday party. You wouldn’t use any of those three things to go swimming, fishing, or boating.

Example Question #8 :Identify Real Life Connections Between Words And Their Uses: Ccss.Ela Literacy.L.1.5.C

Pepperoni, cheese, and sauce can all be used for what?

Possible Answers:

Making a pizza

Riding a bike

Making a bed

Playing the piano

Correct answer:

Making a pizza


Pepperoni, cheese, and sauce are all ingredients used to make a pizza. You would not use any of them to make a bed, ride a bike, or play the piano.

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