Calculus 2 : Area Under a Curve

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Example Questions

Example Question #31 :Area Under A Curve

Find the area under the curve forfromto, rounded to the nearest integer.

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


Finding the area of a region is the same as integrating over the range of the function and it can be rewritten into the following:


This function is negative from x=[-2,0], and positve everywhere else. Split this integral up into 2 pieces, multiplying x=[-2,0] region by -1, and sum everything up.

1st Piece:

2nd piece:


The area under the curve is

Example Question #32 :Area Under A Curve

Find the area under the curve forfromto, rounded to the nearest integer.

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


inding the area of a region is the same as integrating over the range of the function and it can be rewritten into the following:


This function is negative from x=[0,2], and positve everywhere else. Split this integral up into 2 pieces, multiplying x=[0,2] region by -1, and sum everything up.

1st piece:

2nd piece:


When rounded to the nearest integer, the area under the curve is

Example Question #33 :Area Under A Curve

Find the area under the curve forfromto, rounded to the nearest integer.

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


Finding the area of a region is the same as integrating over the range of the function and it can be rewritten into the following:


This function is negative from, and positve everywhere else. Split this integral up into 2 pieces, multiplyingregion by, and sum everything up.

First piece:

Second piece:


When rounded to the nearest integer, the area under the curve is

Example Question #34 :Area Under A Curve

Find the area under the curve forfromto

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


Finding the area of a region is the same as integrating over the range of the function and it can be rewritten into the following:


Rounded to the nearest integer, the area under the curve is

Example Question #35 :Area Under A Curve

Find the area under the curve forfromto

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


Finding the area of a region is the same as integrating over the range of the function and it can be rewritten into the following:


The area under the curve is

Example Question #36 :Area Under A Curve

Find the area under the curve forfromto

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


Finding the area of a region is the same as integrating over the range of the function and it can be rewritten into the following:


This function is negative fromand positve everywhere else. Split this integral up into 3 pieces, multiplying x=[0,\frac{4}{3}] region by -1, and sum everything up.

1st piece:

2nd piece:

3rd piece:


When rounded to the nearest integer, the area under the curve is

Example Question #37 :Area Under A Curve

Find the area under the curve forfromto

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


Finding the area of a region is the same as integrating over the range of the function and it can be rewritten into the following:



1. Simplify the function

2. Evaluate the integral

The area under the curve is

Example Question #38 :Area Under A Curve

Find the area under the curve forfromto, when rounded to the nearest integer.

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


Finding the area of a region is the same as integrating over the range of the function and it can be rewritten into the following:



1. Simplify

2. Evaluate the integral

When rounded tot he nearest integer, the area under the curve is

Example Question #39 :Area Under A Curve

Find the area under the curve offromto

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


We can represent the area as:


By the fundamental theorem of calculus:

Example Question #40 :Area Under A Curve



Hint: Do the inside integral first and then the outside integral second.

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


Looking at the inside integral:

做完内积分,我们可以做的side integral

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