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I am very happy with our experience so far with Varsity Tutors. They matched my daughter with reading specialist Mary and she is wonderful! My 10 year old daughter feels happy after her sessions and believes her tutor has already helped her.

— Allison K

What prompted you to seek tutoring?

Varsity Tutors really helped me understand the concepts during my Calculus 2 class. My tutor has such amazing patience and is open to many questions! Lastly, was always on time and very prompt. Highly suggest Varsity Tutors.

— Joey T

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Found me a great Python, C Programming, and MatLab tutor for a Engineering Computation course.

— Charles C

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The best tutoring service period. The customer service is beyond impeccable. They provide options that are perfectly suited to your needs. They've done such a wonderful job with my daughter in high school, I plan to use their services when she attends college. I highly recommend Varsity Tutors.

— Yvette

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We know every student is unique. And they deserve a tutoring experience as unique as their needs. With thousands of tutors available, we're confident to find the one best for you.

A photo of Paulkey, a tutor from National Chiao Tung University


Certified Tutor

I am a certified teacher of both math and Chinese. I have taught everything from elementary to high school math, and from beginning to AP Mandarin Chinese. I have been teaching in public schools for more than ten years, so I know what students struggle with and where some of their biggest academic hurdles can be found. I am here to help! I like to break down knowledge and information into easy steps, in order to make it easier for students to solve their problems. By working together on everything from fundamentals to test preparation, you will soon know what to learn and memorize in order to feel prepared, regardless of subject!

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Paulkey’s Qualifications
Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: National Chiao Tung University - Bachelors, Computer Science & Information Engineering

Graduate Degree:University of Maryland Eastern Shore- Masters, Computer Science


Tennis, birds, 2014 FFLA's Chinese Teacher of the Year

Tutoring Subjects
ACT Math
Algebra 2
AP Chinese Language and Culture
Conversational Mandarin
Elementary Math
Elementary School Math
Mandarin Chinese
Mandarin Chinese 1
Mandarin Chinese 2
Mandarin Chinese 3
Mandarin Chinese 4
Middle School Math
SAT Prep
SAT Math
SAT Mathematics
Technology and Coding
Test Prep
Web Design
What is your teaching philosophy?

To make learning easy.

How would you help a student stay motivated?

Share my experience with learning.

If a student has difficulty learning a skill or concept, what would you do?

Guide them to use the concept that they have learned and known. Apply those to the new areas.

What strategies have you found to be most successful when you start to work with a student?

Work on the questions together.

What techniques would you use to be sure that a student understands the material?

Let the student try first before jumping into explaining the answer.

How do you build a student's confidence in a subject?

Break down step-by-step ways to let them know what to do.

How do you adapt your tutoring to the student's needs?

To work with them together.

What might you do in a typical first session with a student?

To introduce myself. To know the student's grade levels and her/his likes and dislikes.