Award-Winning Dutch Tutors

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I am very happy with our experience so far with Varsity Tutors. They matched my daughter with reading specialist Mary and she is wonderful! My 10 year old daughter feels happy after her sessions and believes her tutor has already helped her.

— Allison K

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Varsity Tutors really helped me understand the concepts during my Calculus 2 class. My tutor has such amazing patience and is open to many questions! Lastly, was always on time and very prompt. Highly suggest Varsity Tutors.

— Joey T

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Found me a great Python, C Programming, and MatLab tutor for a Engineering Computation course.

— Charles C

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The best tutoring service period. The customer service is beyond impeccable. They provide options that are perfectly suited to your needs. They've done such a wonderful job with my daughter in high school, I plan to use their services when she attends college. I highly recommend Varsity Tutors.

— Yvette

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We know every student is unique. And they deserve a tutoring experience as unique as their needs. With thousands of tutors available, we're confident to find the one best for you.

Private Dutch Tutoring Near You

Receive personally tailored Dutch lessons from exceptional tutors in a one-on-one setting. We help you connect with the best tutor for your particular needs while offering flexible scheduling to fit your busy life.

Dutch Tutoring FAQ

荷兰是一个复杂的语言,包括variety of features that make it a difficult tongue for native English speakers to pick up. Certain aspects of Dutch correspond with areas of German, while others more closely align it with the English language. This unique mixture of familiar and new features can make Dutch a challenge to learn for those who grew up speaking English. Of course, grammatical mastery is only half the battle. Anyone aiming to become fluent in Dutch has vocabulary to learn, pronunciation to master, and reading skills to develop. Whether you are a business professional preparing for a trip, a student striving to fulfill their language requirements, or intend to take on a future profession that requires a thorough knowledge of Dutch, Varsity Tutors can help you can find an able tutor to work with.

学习荷兰语在课堂环境意味着learning the language at the pace of the whole class. For example, your instructor may be speeding over aspects of the language you may find confusing. Or, they may spend too much time focused on a concept that you've successfully grasped. It can be frustrating to be put into such a situation, though it is impossible to provide individual attention to a full classroom of scholars. Similarly, if you're trying to learn Dutch using impersonal resources like websites and textbooks, you may not be getting the personal attention you need to achieve fluency. After all, developing Dutch conversation skills requires a partner to converse with in Dutch. Without one, you could end up mispronouncing even simple phrases and terms in Dutch, which would make conversation with an actual Dutch speaker difficult and awkward.

4.9/5.0 Satisfaction Rating*

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Your tutor can customize your lessons and present concepts in engaging easy-to-understand-ways.

Increased Results

You can learn more efficiently and effectively because the teaching style is tailored to you.

Online Convenience

With the flexibility of online tutoring, your tutor can be arranged to meet at a time that suits you.

Recent Dutch Tutoring Session Notes

Online Dutch Tutoring review by Emily
The student and I went straight to work. He has an oral Mandarin final on this upcoming Thursday, so we went through his textbook and looked for questions he can ask his conversation partner. The topic of his final is location and campus grounds.
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Online Dutch Tutoring review by Scott
To begin, I quizzed the student on the vocabulary from lesson seven, dialogue two and lesson five as review. We then went over some grammar points and worked on translations in his workbook from lesson five.
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Online Dutch Tutoring review by Mary Rebecca
我们回顾上节课的新单词,which included man, woman, and child. We did an activity on her tablet where she listened to statements and had to choose the correct picture that matched the statement. We also started a new lesson which began with a poem about a flower garden, identified the words that she knew, and learned the new vocabulary.
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Online Dutch Tutoring review by Kathleen
The student reported that he is now receiving A's in Chinese. Today, we reviewed his homework packet and his classwork packet and practiced having conversations about similar topics. I emphasized correct pronunciations of tones, consonants, and vowels, and also increasing the smoothness of speech in Chinese. He was able to ask and answer questions about this unit's material without me needing to help him. His handwriting in Chinese was looking good, too.
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Online Dutch Tutoring review by Wei
In this class, we finished the sentence structure in Chinese. We learned how to emphasize certain element of the sentence and how to form the present progressive tense in Mandarin. We also did some practice in the sample test. He did a great job on the practice questions. We will go on doing practice next class.
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Online Dutch Tutoring review by Ginger
学生和我一起回顾3老故事:The Busy Bee (which was at a very advanced level), Beibei Disappears (intermediate), and The Garden (intermediate). We then went over 3 new stories, which were at an intermediate level. These stories were all animated children's stories with characters and audio from a Chinese language website for kids.
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