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一个photo of Kaley, a tutor from Brown University


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I love teaching and I have been working with kids since high school. I have experience both as a classroom teacher and a tutor and in these roles I look for ways to make learning fun and rewarding. I especially love teaching reading and writing and I have taught or tutored these subjects to students ranging from kindergarten through adults. I also have experience tutoring test prep subjects and focus both on the content material and test taking skills. My passion is psychology and I have been able to use my graduate training in human development to tailor my instruction to students' individual learning needs.

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Kaley’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:Brown University- Bachelors, Education and Public Policy

Graduate Degree: Harvard Graduate School of Education - Masters, Human Development and Psychology

Test Scores

SAT Composite (1600 scale): 1540

SAT Math: 730

SAT Verbal: 790

SAT Writing: 740

GRE Verbal: 170


Reading, running, hiking

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