Paris is the culinary center of the world. All the great missionaries of good cookery have gone forth from it, and its cuisine was, is, and ever will be the supreme expression of one of the greatest arts in the world. Most of the good cooks come from the south of France, most of the good food comes from the north. They meet at Paris, and thus the Paris cuisine, which is that of the nation and that of the civilized world, is created.

Adapted fromThe Gourmet's Guide to Europe, by Lieut.-Col. Newnham-Davis and Agernon Bastard (1903)


With which of the following statements would the author most likely agree?

France's cuisine may someday be surpassed by another nation

Chefs trained in northern France are likely to be better than those trained in the south

Parisian cuisine has spread around the world

Italian bread is better than French bread

1/1 questions


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