Test:MCAT Social and Behavioral Sciences


Which of the examples below is an example of social cognitive theory?

Dave was really disappointed when his son Nicholas drew with crayons on the wall. Nicholas could tell that his dad was upset, and so he did not do it again.

Shareen grabbed fruit for dessert in line at the cafeteria. Monica really wanted chocolate pudding, but given that Shareen had set a good example, she followed and chose fruit. The next day, when Monica went to lunch alone, she selected the fruit.

The muscle builds by constantly exercising it. If you stop, it will atrophy. Behavior works the same way.

Suzette keeps a calendar of all the times she goes to the gym to workout and she rewards herself with a treat if she goes more than 4 times a week.

Everytime I hear the whistle, my heart starts racing as though I'm about to start a cross-country race. I know it's crazy, that's just how I was conditioned after competing for four years.

1/3 questions


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