Test:GRE Subject Test: Psychology

Dr. Crawford believes she has invented a pill to help with student memorization. For a trial experiment, she gathered two groups of twenty students. She gave the twenty students in Group A the “smart pill”, and the twenty students in Group B a sugar pill. After waiting five minutes, both groups of students were given a list of forty words, and were instructed to memorize the entire list in any order. The students were given five minutes to memorize the list. The students were then asked to verbally recite all of the words they could remember in any order within three minutes.

Group A recited an average of fifteen words, while Group B recited an average of ten words.


In this experiment, what is the independent variable?

Students' receipt of the smart pill vs. the sugar pill

Five minutes given to study the list

Group A versus Group B

The number of words recited

Reciting the list in any order

1/12 questions


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