Test:GRE Subject Test: Psychology


Melanie is a regular customer at a gun range, where she shoots paper targets with three different types of guns: a rifle, a pistol, and a shotgun. When firing the rifle, Melanie notices that her shots nearly always hit the target, but are evenly spread out throughout the paper's surface. When firing the pistol, Melanie's shots are all grouped within a few inches of each other, with the group overlaying the bull’s-eye on the target. When firing the shotgun, Melanie's shots are also tightly grouped, but the groups of shots are all slightly above the bull’s-eye. Which of the following terms is best describes Melanie's performance with the shotgun compared to her performance with the pistol?

Melanie is not reliable or valid with the shotgun, but is valid with the pistol

Melanie is more reliable with the pistol than the shotgun, but more valid with the shotgun than the pistol

None of these

Melanie is more valid with the pistol, but equally reliable with both pistol and shotgun

Melanie is equally valid with pistol and shotgun, and more reliable with the pistol

1/2 questions


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