Test:GED Language Arts (RLA)

Read the passage and answer the question below.


Dear Congressman Phillips,

I urge you to reconsider your closure of the shipyard. I'm a medical practitioner in the area, so I meet many of the men and women employed by the facility. Many of these people are living paycheck to paycheck, unable to afford regular medical care; any gap in their employment could be devastating. If you must see it economically, consider the tremendous cost to the taxpayers when these people must rely on public programs for assistance. I ask you to please keep this shipyard open.

Very truly yours, . . .

How might the author be biased, based on this passage?

He may receive some benefits if the shipyard employees, his clients, stay employed.

He thinks the shipyard employees should join the medical profession.

He doesn't want to lose his job at the shipyard.

He wants the shipyard employees to get public assistance.

1/1 questions


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