Test:Common Core: 2nd Grade English Language Arts

Text 1:

During the year, the weather has four seasons: summer, fall, winter, and spring. Each season can bring very different weather. When the weather changes, people have to make some changes too.

In the summer, the weather is normally very warm. There are green leaves on the trees and bright colored flowers blooming in gardens. To stay cool, people normally wear lightweight clothes in the summer.

The fall brings a change in the leaves and temperature. Tree leaves begin to turn from green to bright orange, yellow, and red. The temperature will begin to get cooler during the fall. People often put away their summer shorts and start wearing jeans in the fall.

Winter is a time for snow! The very cold temperatures of winter bring the snowflakes. The cold temperature also means that many plants won’t grow and trees are left with no leaves, just bare branches. In the winter many people wear thick winter coats, hats, and gloves to try to keep themselves warm.

In the spring the weather is still warm, but most places get a lot of rain in the spring. All of the rain helps the flowers start to grow. Because of the rain, it’s always smart to have a rain jacket and an umbrella in the spring.

Text 2:

As you are growing up, the four seasons can create a timeline for the year. As a new season starts, there is a new time in the year to look forward to.

Fall means the start of school and school sports! The temperatures start to get cool in the fall, but that’s perfect weather for school events like football and soccer games.

Though winter can bring very cold temperatures, it can also bring snow days! Some places can get a lot of snow, which sometimes means they have to miss some days of school in the winter. This means that instead of going to school, kids get to make snowmen and play outside.

When spring comes along the temperatures get warmer and melt the winter’s snow, but spring also means that school is coming to an end for the year. Teachers are busy trying to plan end of the year activities, and students can’t wait for summer break to begin!

When summer finally arrives, the temperatures are very warm and many kids spend afternoons playing at the pool. Long summer nights are spent catching fire flies in the backyard, or playing flashlight tag.

As the summer comes to end, back to school shopping begins. School supplies are picked out, and kidslook forward tostarting a new school year.


Text 2 says that which two sports are played in the fall?

Soccer and football

Baseball and tennis

Soccer and tennis

Football and tennis

1/10 questions


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