Test:AP US History

Passage adapted from Richard Allen's "To Those Who Keep Slaves, and Approve the Practice" (1794)

"The judicious part of mankind will think it unreasonable that a superior good conduct is looked for from our race, by those who stigmatize us as men, whose baseness is incurable, and may therefore be held in a state of servitude, that a merciful man would not doom a beast to; yet you try what you can to prevent our rising from a state of barbarism you represent us to be in, but we can tell you from a degree of experience that a black man, although reduced to the most abject state human nature is capable of, short of real madness, can think, reflect, and feel injuries, although it may not be with the same degree of keen resentment and revenge that you who have been and are our great oppressors would manifest if reduced to the pitiable condition of a slave.

We believe if you would try the experiment of taking a few black children, and cultivate their minds with the same care, and let them have the same prospect in view as to living in the world, as you would wish for your own children, you would find upon the trial, they were not inferior in mental endowments."


Which of the following best explains why the conditions of slavery Richard Allen describes in his address were created?

Southern colonists were more inclined to view Africans as inferior and able to be kept as slaves.

Northerners were unwilling to countenance keeping labor that was not being paid.

The plantation culture of the south required serious amounts of labor in order to function.

The British government incentivized the development of large slave populations to help colonial efforts.

1/3 questions


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