Test:ACT English

Jeremy had no luck convincing the members of the orchestral committeeabouthis suggestions. He pleaded, cajoled,was begging, and even threatened the committee at various times,but yetdespite being the conductor, hecouldntget them to agree to his requests. Despite many attempts,the committee would not listen to him. In the end, he decided to go through with the Christmas concert despitehim not havinghis favorite composer on the program. Afterward, one of his friends,whomwas in the audience, came up and asked him whywas there no Handel on the program?"I didtry" Jeremy replied"but thecommittee wereunanimously against me. Inearly begged themall day to put one piece on the program. But try as ImightI could not get a Handel on it."


Choose the answer that best corrects the bolded portion of the passage. If the bolded portion is correct as written, choose "NO CHANGE."

his not having

the fact that


him having not

1/1 questions


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