Test:ACT English

My childhood was fairly idyllic.I grew up in southern suburbia,we could play outside nearly year round. Wealmost played outside every day.Our days were filled with bike rides, jumping on the trampoline, playing in the sprinklers,and alsoimagination games. Countless afternoons were spent in the side yard of our home, where our imaginations were the limit to our fun. One of our favorite games was “Lost Children.” Oddly enough, the parents in the game were always deceased or fighting in a foreign war. The source of this game likely stemmed from the books we read.

My mother’s old, rusty, orange wheelbarrow was perpetually propped up against the fence, to serve as the base for our makeshift range. The metal braces beneath the wheelbarrow bin provided the perfect resting place for a pair of burners, hastily sketched on a flat board. Old paint buckets became a sink and a stained picnic table was scrubbed to a relative state of cleanliness.Our visitors, who were often kings and queens,were served heaping helpings of mud and grass pie, possibly adorned with a side helping of flowers. Household chores were far more fun to do in our imaginary world, and we would eagerly sweep and dust our humble home.Even covered in leaves, we loved our outdoor kitchen.

Other days, we would scamper around the neighborhood park, sometimes venturing into the woods to go exploring. One time we borrowed my little sister’s wagon and flew down the sides of the ditch.Although we had a grand timemy mother was not pleased when she had to replace the broken axle. On adventurous days, we would pretend to be statues on the entrance sign to our neighborhood. But,the most perfect afternoons were spentbiking up to the local corner store. With spending money burning a hole in our pockets, we would peruse the convenience store shelves,and after carefully picking our selections,we would pedal home. Our plastic shopping bags hung from the handlebars, rustling in the wind.

The bite of crisp fall evenings would barely phase our childlike fantasies. But, to our dismay, twilight would inevitably seep into our childhood world. Mother would call us in for dinner and a bath, if needed.Tired, beds were welcomed.I would often fall asleep to the gentle rhythm of my mother’s voice.


Which of the following substitutes for the bolded section would NOT be acceptable?


also there were

as well as

in addition to

1/16 questions


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