Test:5th Grade Science


When humans or animals need energy, they find some food to eat. Plants do not get food in the same way. Plants must take materials from the environment and use energy from sunlight to make glucose, an energy-rich sugar. Plants use water and air to make food. Plants absorb water from the soil and take it in through their roots. The water travels up the stem and reaches the cells in the leave. Plants must have water to allow the nutrients to be absorbed. Plants allow carbon dioxide from the air to enter their leaves through tiny holes, and it enters the leaf cells. Without air, plants would be missing one of the ingredients necessary to create glucose.

Plants take light energy from sunlight to make their food. Light energy is not a material; it is an energy. Leaf cells trap light energy and use it to convert water and carbon dioxide into sugar. The sugar is stored as chemical energy in the plant. When this process takes place, leaf cells release oxygen as a byproduct. This process is called photosynthesis.

Which piece of text evidence supports why plants need air to grow?

When this process takes place, leaf cells release oxygen as a byproduct.

Without air, plants would be missing one of the ingredients necessary to create glucose.

Plants must take materials from the environment and use energy from sunlight to make glucose, an energy-rich sugar.

Plants must have water to allow the nutrients to be absorbed.

1/5 questions


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