AP Physics 2 : Atomic and Nuclear Physics

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Example Question #50 :Radioactive Nuclear Decay

Suppose that platinum undergoes a nuclear decay process according to the reaction shown below. After the decay, how many neutrons will the new element have?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


In this question, we're shown a reaction in which platinum is decaying into some unknown element. We're asked to determine how many neutrons this unknown element will have.

In the reaction shown in the question stem, we can see that platinum hasprotons, which is its atomic number. The other number shown,, is the mass number. The mass number represents the total number of neutrons and protons. Since we know the mass number and the atomic number, we can determine the number of neutrons in platinum.

Thus, there areneutrons in platinum. To determine the number of neutrons in the product, however, we need to look at which type of decay we're dealing with. Since an electron is being produced in the reaction shown, we know that this must be beta-decay. In this type of decay, a neutron within the nucleus of the starting atom (platinum) is broken down into a proton and an electron, which is then emitted. Consequently, the product element should have one less neutron that the starting element, platinum. Thus, we can conclude that there will beneutrons in the new element.

Example Question #61 :Atomic And Nuclear Physics

If an unknown compound undergoes radioactive decay such thatdecays in, what is the rate constant for this reaction?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


In this question, we're told that a radioactive compound is decaying, and we're asked to determine the rate constant for the process.

Because radioactive decay reactions are first-order, we can use the first-order reaction equation.

意图rranging this expression, we can isolate the rate constant term,, as follows.

Now, we can plug in the values that were given to us in the question stem to calculate the answer.

Example Question #411 :Ap Physics 2

If it takes a radioactive compoundforof it to decay, what is this reaction's rate constant?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


In this question, we're told that a radioactive compound has decayed by a certain amount in a given amount of time. We're asked to find the rate constant.

First, we have to recognize that all radioactive decay reactions follow first-order kinetics. Hence, we can use the first-order rate equation to solve this question.

Because we're told thatof the compound has decayed, we know there must beof it left at themark.

Example Question #81 :Quantum And Nuclear Physics

__________is the process of combining two or more atoms into a single, larger atom.__________is the process of splitting a single atom into two or more smaller atoms.__________例如,可能发生在自然一个明星。__________doesn't normally occur in nature.

Possible Answers:

Fission . . . Fusion . . . Fission . . . Fusion

Fusion . . . Fission . . . Fusion . . . Fission

None of the other answers is correct

Fusion . . . Fission . . . Fission . . . Fusion

Fission . . . Fusion . . . Fusion . . . Fission

Correct answer:

Fusion . . . Fission . . . Fusion . . . Fission


Fusion is the process of combining two or more atoms to form a larger atom. To remember this, think of how welders fuse metals together. (Though the term is the same, they aren't actually the same thing; this is just to help you remember.). Fusion is a very energetic reaction that takes place in high-heat, high-pressure environments, like the inside of stars. Fusion releases lots of energy, which is why stars are so energetic.

Fission is the process of splitting a signle atom into multiple atoms. It doesn't normally occur in nature, though some super heavy elements, like plutonium, can be spontaneously fissile, which means they can undergo fission seemingly at random. This is a rare thing for an element to do, which is why it's said that fission doesn't normally occur in nature.

Example Question #1 :Nuclear Forces And Interactions

Which of the fundamental forces is responsible for holding neutrons and protons together in the nucleus of an atom?

Possible Answers:

The electromagnetic force

The weak nuclear force

The intermediate nuclear force


The strong nuclear force

Correct answer:

The strong nuclear force


First of all, the intermediate nuclear force isn't a real force.

Gravity is not responsible for this, because on the scale of quantum mechanical phenomena, gravity has negligible effect, and can be disregarded.

The electromagnetic force doesn't hold the nucleus together, and is actually trying to rip it apart, due to the fact that like charges repel and the nucleus is full of like charges (protons). Accordingly, the force that actually is responsible for holding it together must necessarily be significantly more powerful compared to the electromagnetic force to resist the intrinsic repelling the protons have towards each other.

The weak nuclear force operates on leptons and quarks, and is involved in many of the radioactive decays in nuclear physics, such as beta decay, where a proton decays into a neutron, where it was first revealed.

Since the other three valid forces aren't responsible, that leaves the strong nuclear force. It is the strongest of the four fundamental forces, as it prevents protons from flying away from each other due to their proximity and charge. The strong force mediates over the quarks that make up the protons and neutrons.

Example Question #81 :Quantum And Nuclear Physics

Suppose that an atom undergoes a series of decays. First, it undergoes two alpha decays, followed by two positron decays, and then finally by two gamma decays. How has the atomic number of this atom changed?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


In this question, we're told that an atom undergoes a series of decays. We're then asked to determine how the atomic number of that atom has changed.

Let's look at the first type of decay, alpha decay. During alpha decay, the atom emits a helium nucleus, which consists of two protons and two neutrons. Thus, for each alpha decay, the atom will lose two protons. So two alpha decays would result in a net loss of four protons.

Next, let's look at positron decay. In this type of decay, a proton is converted into a positron and a neutron. The neutron stays in the atoms's nucleus, while the positron is emitted. Thus, positron decay results in a loss of one proton. Consequently, two positron decays result in a total loss of two protons.

Finally, gamma decay does not cause a change in the atom's atomic number or mass number. Gamma decay simply releases energy.

So, in total, we have four protons lost from alpha decays and two protons lost from positron decays. Thus, there is a total loss of six protons, corresponding to a decrease in the atomic number by six.

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