AP European History : Commerce; Economics; Market Competition

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Example Question #130 :Social And Economic History

Thomas Malthus’Essay on the Principle of Populationsuggests that__________.

Possible Answers:

All of the other answers are correct

Human reproduction operates on an exponential level

The government should intervene to keep the population of the poor in check

As the population increases the standard of living for the population will decrease

Correct answer:

All of the other answers are correct


Thomas Malthus wrote his famous workAn Essay on the Principle of Populationin 1798, and it quickly came to have a profound effect on the government policies of Western European countries and the development of several ideas, such as the theory of natural selection. It states that population will naturally increase at a greater rate than the ability of that population to sustain itself—essentially, that unchecked population growth will lead to poverty and a lower standard of living. Malthus based his theory, in part, on his belief that human reproduction operates on an exponential model whereas production operates on an arithmetic model. The British government in particular during the Industrial Revolution took Malthusian theories to heart and attempted to limit the growth of the working class.

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